Since the people in this group have given me cancer by posting - TopicsExpress


Since the people in this group have given me cancer by posting terrible Vi builds, ill help you guys out before I rot away and die. Runes: Attk spd quints(14% AS) AD reds(8.5 AD) armor yellows magic resist flat or per level blues masteries: 21/9/0 taking neutral damage reduction, block, and health in defense, feast, cooldown reduction, bonus AD damage, executioner, etc in offense skill order: w -> e -> q and then max q, then w, taking r at each chance. if you are fighting level 1 its okay to take q at lvl 1 but get a lot of help and take w at lvl 2 and e lvl 3 item order: spirit of the lizard elder, brutalizer, relevant boots mixed in, then choose either sunfire cape/black cleaver(snowballing for more damage), randuins omen/frozen heart(armor options), banshees veil/hexdrinker(mr options). warmogs/thornmail combo is cool too, so is trinity force if you want more damage Any questions? Feel free to ask. if you want to support me feel free to like my fb page
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 04:50:05 +0000

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