Since you listed the 2 or 3 postures youre most thankful for, its - TopicsExpress


Since you listed the 2 or 3 postures youre most thankful for, its only fair that I list mine--but Im going for it and listing 5! URDHVA DHANURASANA ā€“ IT SOOTHES ME Yep, thatā€™s right, I find urdhva dhanurasana deeply soothing. Yes, Iā€™m aware that everyone and their cousin goes on and on about how uplifting and energizing backbends are. But, honestly, my experience is the opposite. A nice, strong urdhva dhanurasana (or 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) actually cuts through whatever narrative my mind is engaged with, focuses my attention, and burns whatever anxiety I may be experiencing. Urdhva dhanurasana is never easy for me, but itā€™s always settling. PASCHIMOTTANASANA ā€“ IT HUMBLES ME Paschimottanasana bums me out. Iā€™m always prattling on about integrity of movement being more important than range of movement. Even though I firmly believe this, the first thought that runs through my head when I practice paschimottanasana is, ā€œreally, ugh, this is as far as I can go today?ā€ This pose continues to reveal how judgmental I can be toward myself and provides me with the opportunity to let go. PIGEON POSE ā€“ IT GROUNDS ME The bittersweet release of Pigeon is undeniable. While the big, tension-busting stretch in the outer hips steals the show, the posture has another component that helps produce a grounding effect: the vast majority of your body is laying on the floor when you do the posture. Sure, itā€™s intense for many, but the intensity is always local. The majority of the body has the opportunity to drop, release, and let go into the floor. HANDSTAND ā€“ IT BALANCES ME Thereā€™s a saying in England that black tea wakes you up if youā€™re tired and quiets you if youā€™re unsettled. My experience of handstand is the exact same. If I need an uplifting boost of energy, practicing handstand does the trick. If, on the other hand, Iā€™m over-stimulated 1-2 minutes in handstand grounds my energy and rebalances my mood. PARIVRITTA JANU SIRSASANA ā€“ IT UNWINDS ME Oh, the poor side body. It can be challenging to access and rarely gets treated to elongation in day-to-day life. Even in asana practice the side-body rarely gets the TLC that the hips, shoulders, core and spine receive. Thankfully, parivritta janu sirsasana digs deeply into the side-body and wrings out tension. When I do this pose I literally have to will myself to get out of it. I want to stay there, nestle in, and take a nap.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 02:24:15 +0000

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