Six sobering lessons are taught in Lamentations: (1) If - TopicsExpress


Six sobering lessons are taught in Lamentations: (1) If individuals and nations sin, punishment will come. (2) It is foolish to assume that because punishment is deferred, the sin is forgotten or ignored. (3) Although it may be pleasant to listen to false prophets of optimism, the stark truth is that sin has a payday. (4) The sinner, suffering for his sins, harps on the injustice of God, thus trying to ease his own conscience. (5) True remorse springs from understanding how serious our sins are. (6) There is a restoration for every captivity. God will forgive if we but ask Him. Lamentations carries a powerful message to modern man. Gods principles of justice have never changed; it is still true that we reap what we sow. However, there is also a glorious truth: God forgives those who turn to Him in true repentance. Superficial repentance avails nothing, but the man who is really sorry for his sins finds peace and happiness in Christ.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:09:28 +0000

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