Snippets from Ramadhan Programme @ masjid Hajjah Fatimah. Day - TopicsExpress


Snippets from Ramadhan Programme @ masjid Hajjah Fatimah. Day 24. - Fatimah Bint Asad, the mother of Ali Ibn Talib, took care of Rasulullah saw and his affairs. Just like a mother would. - The one who takes care of an orphan will be with Rasulullah saw in hereafter as close as the two fingers brought together. He was the best orphan and Abu Tolib took care of him. - Salman al-Farisi suggested the trench. Rasulullah saw drew a line. A stone was blocking the digging path. Some companions suggested digging less some more. But they consulted Rasulullah saw instead to make sure they do as told not more not less. - Amr bin Wud was a very large warrior from the enemy in that war. He was the only one who managed to cross the trench. Rasulullah saw then asked, Who is going to go and fight Amr bin Wud? Then Ali replied, Me ya Rasulullah! Then Rasulullah asked again and Ali replied again until the third time Rasulullah saw said Oh Ali, he is Amr! To which Ali replied, Oh Rasulullah, I am Ali! Rasulullah saw then made dua for Ali to be victorious. Ali go back I dont want to kill you, your father and I had good relations. But I want to kill you! The battle was so intense that a cloud of dust enshrouded them, nothing to be seen but only the clashing of swords to be heard. The companions were waiting eagerly until a shout emanated from the shroud , Allahu Akbar! Ali had cut Amr into two, separating the top from his lower half. - Let noone perform the mid-afternoon prayer (asr) except in Bani Qurayzoh. Some of the companions said this was Rasulullah saw way of asking them to hasten so they prayed before reaching when asr was ending, while the other sahabahs prayed at the said location. With this difference in opinions, they consulted Rasulullah saw afterwards but Rasulullah just smiled and walked away. The difference in opinion was done by people with knowledge not out of ignorance. Not everyone can make ijtihad. - when Sad Ibn Muadh died, the throne of the All-Merciful trembled. Wailing was also made forbidden for the death of a person except for Sad Ibn Muadh. - not easy to live in desert conditions. During winter, it gets extra dry and the skin will crack. It is common to see feet bleeding. Also, the roughness of the sand abrades things easily. Things get worn out fast. Imagine the sahabahs who had to walk barefoot. -verse of tayammum was revealed due to Lady Aishas ra lost necklace. - Rasulullahs head was on her lap when Abu Bakr came in and scolded her. - the slander against Aisha ra after she lagged behind the army in search of her necklace. She was alone and didnt know how to go back. She then found Safwaan Ibn al-Muattol al-Sulami who also stayed behind. He didnt even look at her and he was also known to be impotent. When they reached Medina, the hypocrites led by Abdullah Ibn Ubayy Ibn Saluul began to slander her. - she was sick so she stayed with her parents and for a month she didnt have any contact with the outside world. Rasulullah saw had to endure the pain of the slander. He then asked Aisha, oh Aisha, if you have done something, tell me, and Allah will forgive you. If not, may Allah save you from fitnah. Aisha was already in tears and she felt there was no way to defend herself when the news came from Rasulullah (saw) companions themselves. She then hoped that Allah will show Rasulullah the truth through dreams but Allah revealed ten verses of the Quran to show her innocence. - the slanderers were given whipping. One of them, was a poor man whom Abu Bakr used to give sadaqah to. Abu Bakr ra then made a vow that he wont give him any more. Dont you like Allah to forgive you? (?) He then paid kaffarah and broke his vow and started to give nafkah again to the man. - even when mistakes happen, the purity of a heart will show you what kind of person is, just like Abu Bakr ra. - the verse regarding the hijab was revealed fifth year after migration. O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the womenfolk of the believing men to draw their outer garments over themselves [Quran 33:59] - the female companions would don black and cover everything. Not even the eyes could be seen. When you see them, you dont know if theyre coming forward or backward. They look like black crows. - Once Rasulullah saw asked a group of companions, with Ali ra present, Do you know who is the best kind of lady? Noone could answer so Ali went back home and told Fatimah ra. I know the answer, let me give the answer to Rasulullah (saw) So Fatimah went to Rasulullah and answered the question, The best kind of lady is that which they dont see men and men dont see them. - theres hijab Syarii as what is mentioned in Quran and hijab urfi as what is known by people. Of course niqab is not mentioned in Quran because the term hijab in Quran means to cover everything. - Sh Hakim Murad, a professor in Cambridge university, commented that the biggest jihad for ladies is to wear niqab. He is one of the favorite students of Habib Ahmad Masyur Hadad. - based on imam Rafis opinion, as long as there is no fitnah, the ladies can show face and hand. But when we say it is allowed to show face and hand, doesnt give them to wear decorative clothes. - when a man sees a lady, syaiton will strike an arrow in the heart. But when you throw your glance away, Allah will replace it with the sweetness of iman. - clothes dont need to be black. But its the best colour to cover. - the muslim ladies in Sham they wear white niqab so as to differentiate themselves from the Christian ladies who wear black niqab. Yes, Christian ladies wear black niqab. - in Palestine, the Jew ladies cover as well. And how about us Muslims who have the complete religion, of having blessed with the perfect knowledge? - the clothes that the kuffar bring in are to destroy you - the Jews they are proud of their religion. Theyre not scared of asking for kosher food on the plane, they proudly wear their caps. The monks, idol worshipers, they wear their robes proudly. But some Muslims, feel humiliated to wear prophetic clothes, feel humiliated of holding the religion of Allah. Thats how we get weak. You feel humiliated of your own religion, Allah will humiliate you. - Rasulullah saw gave glad tidings to the people who are weird for holding on to the religion. - dont feel humiliated. Who will be your judge? Allah! Thats all that matters. - dont make excuses for not covering up or for not completely following the religion, just recognize that you are weak. It is ok. But to go against the religion, youre hindering yourself from guidance. - He who takes a path leading to acquiring knowledge, God will ease his path to the Garden. - The angels lay down their wings for the seeker of knowledge, so pleased are they with that he is doing. - seeking knowledge is better then visiting 1000 of the sick, and is better than attending 1000 funerals, and is better than praying 1000 rakaahs. - He who seeks knowledge, God guarantees his provision. - This is a special guarantee in addition to the universal guarantee God has given every moving creature on earth when he said, There is no moving creature on earth but that its provision falls upon God. [11:16] - increase in ease and decrease in the effort and hardship incurred in seeking provision - ... The fortunate are inspired it, while the wretched are deprived of it. - The likeness of the ignorant person who neglects seeking obligatory knowledge is that of a slave to whom his master sends a letter, commanding him to do certain things and refrain from other things. The slave, while able to read the letter, neglects to even look at it, let alone learn what it contains. And the likeness of the scholar who neglects to put into practice what he knows is that of another slave who read his masters letter, learn what it contains, then obeys none of the commands nor refrains from any of the prohibitions he finds in the letter. - Now consider, is there any worse neglect than that of these two slaves with their master? Can they ever find justification before him? Is anyone more deserving of severe punishment for his impudence and disrespect for his master than they? - So beware of being one of those two inauspicious men, the ignorant who does not learn, or the learned who down not act upon his knowledge. Otherwise you will perish along with those who perish, losing both this world and the next, which is the most manifest of all losses. - God bears witness that there is no god but He, and [so do] the angels and those who have knowledge, [and that He is] upholding justice. [3:11] People of knowledge are being mentioned, not others. - Say: are they equal, those who know and those who do not know? [39:9] neither equal in this life and next - God raises those of you who believe and those who are given knowledge many degrees. [58:11] -Scholars are heirs to the Prophets. Prophets bequeath neither Dinar nor Dirham, but they bequeath knowledge... - knowledge is itself an honor. A person may be rich but if he is known to be stupid, he will have lost his honor. - envy is justifiable in two cases; 1) a man to whom Allah has given wisdom, he judges by it and teaches it 2) a man whom God has given wealth and the capacity to spend it in a rightful manner - not by spending it on items for collection. Do you need 30 watches? You cant even bring it to your grave. The real collection is the one for the hereafter. - envy above is ghibtoh, not hasad. Hasad is to wish nimah is taken away from someone. Companions didnt know what hasad is. They have a pure heart. - The superiority of a scholar over the worshiper is as my superiority over the least of my Companions. - another version as the superiority of the full moon over the rest of the planets. - if the superiority of scholar over a worshiper equipped with the necessary knowledge is that great, what more over the ignorant ones. - Knowledge is better than wealth, for knowledge protects you, while you must protect wealth. Also, knowledge increases when you spend of it, while wealth diminishes. Knowledge is a ruler, while wealth must be ruled. - kings rule the world but scholars rule the king. Kings need to follow the rules but the scholars set the rule. As long as the scholar dont put themselves under the feet of the kings. - dunya are things that doesnt bring you close to Allah and Rasulullah saw. - love of dunya is the cause for all problems. No love of it, and you have your cure for all your problems. - Learn as you please, but by Allah, only when you act upon what you know will you be rewarded for it by God. - He who increases in knowledge, but not in right guidance, only increases in remoteness from God. - with increased knowledge there should be increased guidance. If not there is a defect in the intention. - to cure the love of dunya, read and contemplate on the Quran and Hadith that talks about dunya. Learn the realities of it. Books by imam al-Haddad such as Risalah Muzakarah will suffice. It is like the poly clinic to cure the disease. If you want something more, read Ihya Ulumuddin. Its like ICU. But to get to the ICU, you need experts, you cant just get normal doctors to the operation. You need more time as well. Wallahualam. #RP2014
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:59:40 +0000

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