Snowden who? Maybe he was born in the wrong time of history. - TopicsExpress


Snowden who? Maybe he was born in the wrong time of history. Maybe no one reads news any longer. In any case, Mr. Snowden has been hung out to dry by the American people. Why should anyone care about him anyway? Mr. Snowden worked as an Information Technologist Contractor for the National Security Agency in Hawaii. He made good money and lived a great life in paradise. All he had to do was look the other way when illegal requests were made. He was supposed to allow these illegal requests to pass through invisibly. What kind of Illegal Requests were being made? Email Data, Cell Phone Recordings, Office Phone Recordings, Foreign Phone Call Recordings, Foreign Satellite Hacking, International Bank Transactions, Facebook Conversations, Twitter Conversation Recordings, Text Recordings, Drone Spy Missions within the United States, and Secret Camera Recordings of US Residents. Most of the data he collected could have been Legal if there would have been an accompanying Judicial Warrant Request associated with the requests. When he stated that job, most of the requests had Official Warrant numbers that were included with the requests. However, over a few short years, there were no Warrants requested or issued for any data requests. Mr. Snowden became more and more bothered by the increasing illegal requests being made and how his concerns were being ignored by supervisors. After all, he was being paid very well for pushing data to requesters. Daily, he wondered if he should just quit and walk away. He wanted to tell the American people that they were being spied on. He knew that we didn’t know anything about the illegal programs that were going on for a few years. He contemplated going on a News Show and telling Americans that their darkest secrets were being recorded on a daily basis. He wondered, “Will Americans Care”? “Do they have enough Patriotism left to demand answers from their Government”? “Will his life be in danger”? He made the decision to leave his job and tell Americans there were being spied on by their Government. He ran to Hong Kong for safety. Then he flew to a Russian Airport for safety. He wants to find some place in the world that is safe. But the story is far from over. America’s VP has pulled his Passport. CIA is surrounding him. He now fears for his life. What are American’s doing about this? Nothing! Americans don’t care. Americans are more concerned about movies, music, and partying than they are about their Constitutional rights. Mr. Snowden will be pass away quietly.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 23:33:42 +0000

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