So. Here is my dilemma. During the school year I took advantage of - TopicsExpress


So. Here is my dilemma. During the school year I took advantage of the school fitness center, and by the end of the semester I had finally found my happy place and was feeling pretty good about myself. But then the semester ended, and so did my access to that resource. Ive tried going on walks/runs and riding the bike around my neighborhood to try and keep my cardio up, but at some point during my excursions I inevitably get stopped/catcalled Every. Single. Time. I dont live in the best neighborhood and a lot of these encounters are pretty terrifying, which has caused something that had previously boosted my self-esteem to turn into something that fills me with dread. I really cant afford a conventional gym membership, let alone any fancy equipment and I can feel my fitness declining as going out seems less and less appealing. Any suggestions?
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 22:59:10 +0000

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