So! I get to do this thing. Thanks to my brother and his awesome - TopicsExpress


So! I get to do this thing. Thanks to my brother and his awesome 13. 1. I met my husband on the internet when I was 15. That year, somehow, we convinced our parents to let me leave Indiana to go meet him in Jackson, TN. 2. In my old bedroom in Connersville, next to the window, theres a spot of blue-green on the ceiling. Its there because Philip got a chemistry set one year and we decided to see what would happen. Small launched explosion later and stain peruses. 3. I took dance lessons as young as 3 and continued all the way to my Senior year in high school. Thank you Sandee and Miss Alice. 4. I wrote a song called Glass that was later sung on the Fade Away album. 5. Ive been a type 1 diabetic since I was 8 years old, my brother rushed me from the doctor in Richmond and one of my shoes fell off. I dont remember much due to the fact I was in a sugar coma, but I do vividly remember him physically carrying me most of the time, even though I was a chunk and a half. 6. I drew a peice of art for my Mom, she now has it tattooed on her ankle. 7. All of my past animals are buried in my parents back yard, including a turtle named Hank that I buried with things like a few 50 cent pieces, a couple of those little locks you used to get from the quarter capsule toy machines, and a ring I won at the fair all because I thought it would make Hank happy in the end. *shrug* 8. I was an honorary cub-scout since my parents were leaders, Pledge of Alegiance? Nailed that sh*t. ;) 9. I busted my chin wide open in 3-D (a wal-mart like store in Connersville for you that dont remember it) when I was really little, had to get stitches then go to one of the said Cub-scout meetings. Scar is still there. 10. During the fair, the church has volunteers to stay and keep watch at the fairgrounds. My dad and I would get to sleep over at the church tent like a huge camping tent. This is the reason I love and miss the fair as much as I do. 11. I wrote an erotic tale that has actually been published. 12. Andy and had a strange connection before we ever met online. During a State Choir contest, we went to Kings Island. It was raining really hard and Elizabeth Duffy and Myself decided that that would be a great time to ride the water log ride! Andy and his friend David Schunk also had the same idea and we both rode the ride, it was just him and his friend and me and mine on the ride during the rain storm! :) 13. My earliest memory ever, is of my brother. Im standing up in a crib my little hands are holding on tight onto the railing because I cant walk yet. Its in the corner of our bedroom. Philip came in and kissed me before going to school every morning.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 02:50:49 +0000

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