So... I got the number 13 from Kelly which, way beyond - TopicsExpress


So... I got the number 13 from Kelly which, way beyond coincidence, has shown up all of my life and 5 from Jamee for a combined 18..1. I was in 7th grade the first time I flew a plane.2. I have survived two plane crashes. I was a passenger (along for the ride) on both occasions. I also survived six engine failures among more than a handful of other situations in airplanes.3. A front wheel broke off of a car I was driving which caused the car to flip. I cleared a tight row of 7 pine trees inverted and rolled seven times (end over end and side over side) according to witnesses and survived with minor scratches and bruises thanks to the seatbelt I was wearing.4. My deepest (non nitrox) scuba dive was over 170 in Molokai with sharks and I almost died in the Bahamas on another deep dive.5. I smoked laced marijuana with a friend up in a barn when I was 13 (see...13) years old and have been forever changed by the terrifying experience.6. Ive always been so picky about girls I date that I have spent most of my life alone (always going for the ones that I cant get). Desperado is my song.7. Im still somewhat infatuated with a girl even though she recently got rid of me on fb. Not sure what I did, recently, to cause her to do that.8. I dont like any fish farm raised, CAFOs, GMOs, etc. Only natural non chemical, hormone and antibiotic free, etc. foods but they are getting more and more difficult to find and confirm these days.9. I think that Im a little bit better mechanic than I am a pilot but, overall, very multi talented and often feel like Ive wasted the potential God gave me in life. If I had played my cards right, Obama wouldnt be in office.. I would ; )10. I have never married and have no kids. I feel like I missed out on that part of life and time is quickly running out to, realistically, salvage that loss.11. I didnt work for over six years, only swing trading stocks like XM radio before anyone even knew what that was . I out performed 90% of the market and never made more money at any point in my life. I day traded a couple of times but going through a pack of smokes, a six pack of Mountain Dew, and a pot of coffee in four hours while playing with more than $300k almost killed me on more than one occasion but thats the price you pay to make (or lose) over $10k per day. A girl caused me to leave that profession (in a nutshell) told me I needed to get a real job so I bought a high rise condo at 16th & Larimer (on the mall) and returned to avaition..12. I changed Bear Creek High School tradition and had Senior Ditch Day at my house (on our lakefront beach and brought all of the classes 9th through 12th grade together for the first time ever.13. Ahh.. The number 13.. I, once, smuggled rough-cut (non-blood) diamonds out of the Central African Republic (Africa).14. I have, likely, spent more nights in (or under) a sleeping bag and have built more campfires than anyone.15. Ive always wanted a draft horse and a goat.16. I love hound dogs.17. Im a virgin.18. Not really ; )
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 04:33:15 +0000

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