So, I hate halloween. Not trying to be a party pooper. And I - TopicsExpress


So, I hate halloween. Not trying to be a party pooper. And I know small folk are soooo into it. But at the end of a smashed out week - with a party for 10 tweens and chai for 50 belly dancers to still get sorted - the last thing I want to do on a friday night is walk the streets with little people dressed as the un-dead. Watching them shove as many lollies as they can down their throat. Half an hour before their bedtime. When the world health organisation recommendations clearly state 6 teaspoons of sugar per day. However, as I said, my smalls are well into it. I spent a significant slab of my Thursday evening explaining the wheres and whys of the tradition that is halloween. Complete with a globe displaying northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere. Involving active participation with call and response - seasons, equinoxes, time zones...After which I asked if this tradition was really relevant for us down here on a warming waking coastline. They answered in the affirmative. Well see. I vowed I would never say these 2 words to my smalls. When my mum said it to me, it was simply a way to procrastinate No. But I was grabbing at anything to buy time. To see if they might kind of, you know, forget. Wondering how our 2 polar worlds might meet. At 10:30 later that night I begrudgingly put out the call. Requesting all my smalls besties to me Friday night for unabashed dressing up into all things spooky. To cram as much into their booty bags and open mouths as they could handle. And to be picked up to go home at 8:00. Despite every cell in my body not wanting to. On friday while baking spooky cupcakes, I broke my mixmaster - I blamed halloween. The power blacked out at our house - I blamed halloween. It was stinking hot with a scratchy northerly for most of the day - I blamed halloween. Until fed up with cakes that didnt work, a bung safety switch in my meter box and a wacked out wind that feeds my vata derangement - I lay in the backyard under the sun. And then I heard the school announcement at 3:30 - asking my eldest wise one to come to the office. And I remembered why sometimes I do things I dont like. Because you only get one childhood. Think inversions, forearm balances and kapalabhati. Sometimes I have to do some things Im not really into. We all do. But by making myself more conscious of my decision to hate halloween, it made me explore my motivation as to why I chose to hate it. That I had in fact made a choice to hate it. And what the effect my choice had the potential to do. And that what motivates wise choices is to live as soulfully as we can. In harmony with others. And that I could sleepwalk through life in my self important busy world or I could stop blaming a day in October and simply embrace it. As had my smalls. As their own stamp on tradition, laying their own foundations for their path. And even though its not mine, I did choose to embrace Halloween, I opened to this new tradition -and to my community - dressed up as the undead. And they welcomed me. Next year, Halloween is on a saturday. Think well have a party. Crap cupcakes and all. X
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 08:55:32 +0000

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