So I have to share my thought for this evening before I totally - TopicsExpress


So I have to share my thought for this evening before I totally crash. I have read so many thoughtful and kind comments regarding my strength and faith...I appreciate all of them!! Yet I do not want to lead people thinking that this girl has it all together and that I walk around the house like I am a tough chick. That would be so misleading, so I am going to share the harshness for a moment. The truth is that we are all weak and we all fall short and stumble in our walk of faith. I am no different nor am I immune because I believe in Jesus. But its because of my faith in Jesus and I believe His word that He is my portion...He will sustain me...He will be Helper! He is our Healer! He is my strength! So...God gets all the glory in this! Apart from Him I am nothing but a sinner and I would be staying flat on my face drowning in tears right now!! Seriously! Cancer just sucks...there is no other way to say it. But God is awesome! And so...after I cry the tears, wipe the snot, and finish off all the chocolate in this house...and maybe gain 10 pounds...I still praise Him! He formed my husband...whats not to praise?! This girl is tired! This girl feels vunerable! I journal on here to help me process it an outlet and as a means to be a witness! We all could use His grace, Amen?!! I share because Matt and I vow to leave this world better than the way we came into it and to be totally used up by God! I want us all to walk away from this incredibly tough circumstance and just be in awe of God! I pray that each of you are simply drawn to God Himself and can apply His truths in your own lives! He loves you! He is for you! When I say these truths, it is a constant reminder for me and it helps to renew my own thoughts. That is how I get through each moment. I am not tough and I am not strong...but my God is! I am what Matt would call a hot mess..haha...but Gods got it all together! I thank God for making tissues, anti-puffing eye cream, and chocolate too! I cried more times than I can count today...but ya know what...God counted and held every single tear...I just know it. He loves us...oh how...He loves us...oh how...He loves!!! And on that note...
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:39:52 +0000

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