So I keep pretty tight budgets (ask my husband). About 3 years ago - TopicsExpress


So I keep pretty tight budgets (ask my husband). About 3 years ago I committed to doing as much work as possible to pay down on my 6 figure student loan debt by my 30th birthday: August 14, 2016. I cut corners as much as possible; the girl with the shopping addiction is now a strict Goodwill shopper (its not so bad, just stand on your shoes in the dressing room). But no matter how much I cut, my income (and even my husbands) wasnt moving the needle fast enough for me. I love being a speech therapist; however, 5 days plus all weekend sounded like PAIN. I also noticed (with all my budget savvy) that by far one of my largest bills is my food bill. Food is a NECESSITY; thats a tough one to cut back on, unless you want to eat McDonalds nightly! So short of getting a job pushing shopping carts at Whole Foods for a discount, my sister, Aubrey Worek-DeStephen brought Isagenix into my life. It took me a solid year to finally agree to try it. Ive been very into organic eating the past few years, so science projects werent up my alley. But Isagenix? GMO free? Happy grass-fed cows? Hecks yes! And I dont have to sacrifice my nutrition, AND make money? Well duh! And I again would be saying, blah blah blah, crap crap crap, until I actually tried it, loved it, and got paid. I told my husband, if all we do from this is save on our food bill, then were winning. But what if we can do even more than that? Ive been an associate with Isagenix for the last 2 months, and in the last 2 weeks the ball has officially started rolling. In the last 2 weeks Ive made money equivalent to: 1. 6 weeks worth of gas or 2. 2 weeks of groceries or 3. a months supply of Isagenix or 4. our TOTAL utilities for our apartment or 5. 3x an Aspire Student Loan payment or 6. a full day of work And the list just goes on and on. My point with this is, your nutrition doesnt have to be sacrificed based on your income (or terrible financial mistakes when you were 18). Im just thrilled to death over these products and this company, and I just cant shut up about it. And I cant shut up because I know that there are so many of you out there like me. I want to help people feel awesome; I want them to reach goals, in all aspects. Im reaching mine either way; I am DETERMINED. My door is always open to help you do the same :).
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:14:21 +0000

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