So, I know Ive written posts like this before. But I am gonna - TopicsExpress


So, I know Ive written posts like this before. But I am gonna write another lengthy post. This is going to be how to actually succeed at solo queue. First step, realize you are bad. No seriously, thinking you are doublelift or something like that is only hurting you. Im bad, everyone below plat elo is bad. We are all generally bad. Maybe some of us can compensate better but we all do stupid crap and you are no exception. Once you realize this you can do step two. Second step; figure out what are the mistakes you are making. Maybe you ought to be playing more passively, overestimating your champions abilities or underestimating theirs. Perhaps it is as simple as you need to focus less on harassing and more on csing. Whatever it is figure it out. And if you cant get LoL recorder or something similar and go back over your games until you spot the mistakes. It will help a lot! Third step; Try to work with the team. I know some people do seem like they had to find someone to download the game FOR them, and they are being frustrating. But sometimes people just have bad games and being negative will only hurt you, your team, and most importantly your team WORK. If you are ahead in your lane and you see bot lane is pressed against their turret, and you can kill their bot lane go for it! Even if you lose a wave of CS it is worth it to get your teammates back to where they should be. If your Jungler isnt ganking figure out why. Maybe you are pushed up? Or maybe he is behind, whatever the case if there is no reason try to help him out with ganking. This means spending money. Example: You are pressed against your turret in midlane, you are getting absolutely wreaked and camped. Your jungler hasnt been very... noticeable in the game. Instead of getting ANGRY what you should do is buy 2 wards (You have a trinket for the third) and a vision ward. This is expensive but trust me, if you can get your area lit up maybe you can start making some plays. Fourth step; Respect your enemy. I know it is sometimes difficult to do but always remember you arent worried about their skill level. You are worried you might do some dumb crap and they will suddenly take the advantage. It only takes one misstep. The more you respect your enemy the less likely it is to make that misstep. Fifth step; Follow up with your team. I know sometimes that baron call is DUMB but half your team is there trying to get it. If you have a good reason to contest a call state it quickly. E.g. They are all up and we dont have vision. We can get the inhib faster Or even I am too low to help, so too risky. Things like that. Or for team fights They have the advantage here, too narrow for us. Or We dont have proper vision, ward instead. Things like that. Remember this isnt CoD this is a TEAM GAME and you are a part of that team. Its success depends on the strength of the weakest link, try to not be that weak link. Maybe even help others with this! Gold, Plat, Diamond elo players am I right or wrong? I mean I know I dont follow my own advice sometimes but if I did I feel like I could be doing a bit better. xP Tl;Dr: You are bad, Try to stop being bad, Talk to team, Create advantages, follow up on calls.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:41:46 +0000

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