So I practiced mindful eating at dinner (with myself) tonight... I - TopicsExpress


So I practiced mindful eating at dinner (with myself) tonight... I kept my phone in the other room. Put away my laptop. Sat at my dining room table & ate like a normal human being instead of on the balcony on my yoga mat. I ate slower than usual & was mindful of every single bite & taste.. My intention before eating was thank you universe, for giving me the brain & working arms & hands to make this meal.. The money to buy the great food I am fortunate enough to have in my pantry in my fridge & on my counter, the light that is on so that I can see at night time, the working stove, 2 of the main men in my life - George Forman & Toaster Oven. I am eating in peace while people across the world are so sadly suffering.. No food, no AC, no warmth, no shelter, no family, no running clean water, no dining room table, no hope, no love, no vision of anything besides poverty... I walked up the stairs today and had complete control over my legs. I did yoga & had complete control of the movement of my body. I look into the sky at night time and I see stars that constantly wink at me & the shooting stars that let me know the universe hears me. It may sound crazy to some but being connected to the present moment & being at complete ease is the biggest blessing i could ever experience. I am so thankful, fortunate & overwhelmed with peace. I have such amazing people in my life & it is growing to be more everyday. The people in my life all are my teachers, family, companions, mentors, role models, heroes... Not everyone has that. I have a dog that is literally my soul-puppy, we were meant for eachother. Not everyone has that. They say nothing lasts forever so enjoy it while it lasts... I am enjoying the peace & quiet. This 1 on 1 time with myself & MacDaddy. I am enjoying my breath. I am enjoying my state of mind. I am enjoying this very moment so much because this very moment it will never happen again. I say thank you to the universe probably 1000+ times a day. I believe that when you live in gratitude, life gives you more to be grateful for 💚 (emotional night & had to share, thanks for reading if you got this far 😁)
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:36:04 +0000

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