So, I wonder. Have you seen the new HTC commercial with Gary - TopicsExpress


So, I wonder. Have you seen the new HTC commercial with Gary Oldman? There is one in which he simply says blah over and over again, until he decides to tell us that the HTC is made for people who form their own opinions. In his next statement his validation of this comment is to tell us to go ask the internet. So then I can only assume he is telling us we are not the kind of people who would own an HTC. Because if the owners of HTCs form their own opinions, are they not going to go buy one and see how it works for themselves instead of running to the internet to read all the reviews and opinions of other people? And yet for some reason the commercial continues to air, even though there is a colossal failure in the logic it presents. Yes, because no one is able to see what he is really saying and simply takes him at what we know he means to say, the reviews are out there go read them and make up your own mind. But that is not what he says or how he says it, instead he tries to come off all pretentious and above it all. Well that certainly leads one to think that then your words are going to be more literal. And the real problem is have is that the public allows it, instead of calling it out for what it is. You see all of this contextual understanding is what allows for gray areas to be presented by those of quicker wit than others and thus create an illusion of intelligence enough to get what it is that the or she needs. You know, like how a generation and more was taught that solid economic theory involved taxing the poor and giving to the rich. And still the public bought it. Because someone along the way managed to convince then it was in their best interest to go along with it. Even though their own personal best interest was in no way being served by the ideology. And once the seed is planted it is nearly impossible to completely remove the roots and allow for true understanding of the situation without catastrophic failure of some kind along the way. This is a direct result from the loss of civics and philosophy education at the primary school level. We currently want to act as if our children are not indoctrinated into the American Cult during childhood, but they are filled with more bullshit and propaganda regarding the actions and decisions of their government than any humans since the Germans of the 1920s and 1930s. Mother Russia was not this good at teaching the people only what they want them to know and keeping all the unwanted ideas hidden from the mainstream consciousness. But since we have always had a government, we are supposed to just sit back and allow them to behave however they want. Ok, sheep.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 05:09:11 +0000

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