So Ill update everyone tonight, but Im about to be on the road - TopicsExpress


So Ill update everyone tonight, but Im about to be on the road again, so look for updates in about a week, unless Nikki gets a wild hair.. We got some very good news tonight on Alex Bracy, that little guy is up to a big ol 2lbs.1.5oz. This is awesome news, mainly because weve been told by our regular nurse Nancy, that when babies get to about a kilo (2.2lbs), they really start to grow, almost before your eyes. She said thats when things start to progress. So please let the progressing begin. Although he isnt doing badly at the moment. The infection hes been fighting looks to be under control, and hes doing a great job breathing on his own. He still has a canula feeding O2 to his nose, but his own lung power is doing all the work. You go AJ. Also both Nikki and I have been doing kangaroo care, where Alex gets to lay on our bear chests, and just absorb as much as he can. Nikki had him on her chest for 2 hours today, her (our) longest time spent holding AJ so far. Nikki gets to spend much more time with AJ than I do, and theyre both benefiting from it, shes getting very good at reading him too, very cool. Theres just no doubt about it, Im a lucky guy. Found out an interesting tidbit, Alex is starting to grow fingernails, and we are worried about him scratching himself, so I asked how long until someone cuts his nails? And was informed that the hospital is not allowed to cut his nails. Huh? They can perform open-heart surgery, and do brain scans and any other precision thing a body could need, but they cant cut your kids nails. Weird. We were informed that we are welcome to cut our sons fingernails, but that just doesnt seem like a good idea, his fingers are the size of matches (not whole ones, about a half a paper one), and I cant even cut my nails without bleeding and crying.. Nah, just seems a safer bet to let them grow. Bout a half hour into mine and Nicole Jankowski conversation, the nurse said small emery board. Glad someones thinking. Other than that, progress is slow and steady. A big shout out to the folks whove sent us cards, or gifts. Dennis Tennant, Eric Jankowski, Beth Jankowski, Greg and Monica Bodell, Betty Marcheschi, um, um, I just tried calling Nikki, shes asleep, and Im forgetting some peeps, babe, please say thanks to whoever Im not remembering in the morning. And whoever Im not remembering, I apologize, seems Im pulled a bit thin lately. Anyway, its late, I really just meant to post a few sentences and pics, and say thanks again to everyone whos showing love and support. Its working, I promise you all, its working. Have a good week,
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 05:05:27 +0000

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