So Maybe that Gift You Have Isnt for Others? By Mary DeMuth I - TopicsExpress


So Maybe that Gift You Have Isnt for Others? By Mary DeMuth I sat in my small French living room pounding on my poor guitar, desperately trying to lead worship. I had a heart to worship, and a voice that worked fine. Id sung in contests, choirs, worship teams. I loved Jesus. And for a fleeting time I believed God wanted me to be a worship leader. Only to be flung into a French context, suddenly the only one who could (barely) play guitar. I had to lead worship songs in French. My brain pretty much exploded as I tried to remember chords and Jesusy French words. And then Grace happened to us. She is my friend Jeannes daughter, and now is part of a band and a movement of artists who bring healing to broken lives in Arts Aftercare. This girl has TALENT. Playing with her in the room smallified me, particularly when I heard her strum and sing. This is what she was meant to do. I thought back to my times of wanting-wanting-wanting to be a worship leader. How I made a gutsy declaration to a small congregation (and freaked them out..). How I tried out for the worship team at my big ol church, only to fail. I was good. But I wasnt great. So why all this need to worship? I believe the gift was meant for my sake, not for yours. Not for the audience of others, but to heal me. When life has thrown lemons, worship has been my lemonade. Singing my way out of darkness has happened more times than I can count. And Im grateful for it. I am not meant to sing for crowds. I am meant to sing for me, for Jesus. Its okay. God gives us some gifts simply to heal us, not to proclaim them to the world. What is the gift God has given you thats not necessarily meant to be shared? How did you learn that difficult lesson?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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