So, The U.S. government has expressed fears that independent oil - TopicsExpress


So, The U.S. government has expressed fears that independent oil sales from Kurdistan could CONTRIBUTE TO THE BREAKUP OF IRAQ, but it ALLOWS IT ;) _______________ A tanker carrying crude oil from Iraqi Kurdistan was cleared by the U.S. Coast Guard to unload its cargo at sea off Texas on Sunday, as a State Department official signaled WASHINGTON WOULD NOT INTERVENE TO BLOCK DELIVERY of the controversial crude. The ship set sail from the Turkish port of Ceyhan in June with a load of crude oil supplied by a new pipeline from the Kurdish oilfields. Trading sources in Texas, New York, London, and Geneva have been UNABLE TO IDENTIFY THE BUYER of the United Kalavrvta’s cargo. The oil could go to any one of the many refineries located along the U.S. Gulf Coast. The ship carries approximately 1 million barrels of crude, which would fetch more than $100 million at international prices. Sale of Kurdish crude oil to a U.S. refinery would INFURIATE BAGHDAD, which sees such deals as SMUGGLING, raising questions about Washington’s COMMITMENT to preventing oil sales from the autonomous region. The U.S. government has expressed fears that independent oil sales from Kurdistan could CONTRIBUTE TO THE BREAKUP OF IRAQ, as the government in Baghdad struggles to contain the ultra-hardline Islamic State, a group of Sunni Islamist insurgents who have captured vast areas of the country. Baghdad has threatened to sue anyone that buys Kurdish oil.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 10:44:57 +0000

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