So after completely changing everything in my diet and heavily - TopicsExpress


So after completely changing everything in my diet and heavily researching Paleo and Clean eating, experimenting, cutting and adding heres my conclusion based on whats working for me and what makes me feel good and bad..... Strict Paleo not working! Mentally exhausting trying to eat and live a Paleolithic lifestyle in this day and age. Although I find some of their information a great guideline I dont agree nor does my body that this is a permanent logical way of eating . Like my husband said unless they are spending 8-10 hrs a day hunting food and clubbing their source of protein , they are not living a true Paleolithic lifestyle Clean eating: Feeling much better mentally and physically but still a little mind boggling at times. To truly eat CLEAN would require growing and raising your own livestock and food not purchasing anything commercially as preparation , yes even ORGANIC gets dirty, so to speak. Conclusion for me: Common Sense... What Ive found researching.... Cavemen had short life spans and everything including the soil that we grow on is DIRTY. Soooooo Whats working??? And what am I going to permanently stick with?? Foods high in nutrition! Im staying away from canned, boxed and frozen meals. Basing my calorie intake on my physical activity. Eliminating high calorie low nutritionally based foods, Staying away from artificial sweeteners and staying active. My rule to eating if its not offering me nutrition , I dont eat it. Coke vs Glass of milk, Cookies vs Grapes .... The rest is too complicated to try and live by and conclusion I eat to live not live to eat. COMMON SENSE Nutrition is individually based on illnesses, genetic make up , financial resources , region in which you live in and so forth so Conclusion listen to your body and do the best you can to keep it strong and functioning at its best. :)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:58:14 +0000

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