So agility peeps any idea how to train for photographers in the - TopicsExpress


So agility peeps any idea how to train for photographers in the ring kind of distraction. Party has done agility for almost 5 years and in the first few trials was distracted by photographers but not enough to stop doing agility. Today she stopped dead stop in the weaves and looked at Chris like I dont know what to do. I could see the photographer was sitting close to the weaves and Chris could hear the click, click, click clicking of the camera she told her okay try again and she did the weaves and went on. So I train for distractions, people in the ring, mimicing bar setters, judges, people clapping but how do you train for photographers, my camera can only snap one picture at a time. Does the combination of clicks sound like a clicker would to a dog who has done a lot of clicker behavior training? or does it sound sinister like a snake or something to beware or does it sound like a scolding with a tongue? We have worked weave poles for months and now this. I dont know how to duplicate the camera click. has anyone asked a photographer not to take pictures in the ring if you feel it is not in your dogs best interest? You cant tell always tell where they are going to be during walk throughs. I have never saw a photographer so close to an obstacle I guess . It was a perfect run until the NQ fault in the weaves.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 23:33:43 +0000

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