So as we were going to go to the hospital today for my pre op - TopicsExpress


So as we were going to go to the hospital today for my pre op appointment we just ended up with a huge headache and ending up fighting this evening due to just being frustrated. The doctor cant do my surgery until next week due to not getting my doctors clearance that I went and got on Friday and now the doc is off for a week. The doctor who is doing the surgery saw my recent ultrasound and is worried that while I am under he might run into cancer due to my history and what he saw on the ultrasound report, and is worried he will end up doing a whole hysterectomy and will need my permission to proceed. Also we have been talking to a few different places for rent up in Washington and are running into the problem of landlords either want us there right now instead of the first(in which they advertise move in date as the 1st) they want us there now and want to show us the home before any money is exchanged. The man who we found out actually owns the camper we are in is being a dick and is causing more unnecessary stress. I think we are going to end up getting the car fixed so I can drive it and heading up before my surgery and getting it done up there due to it most likely not being an day surgery and we would have family and friends around if I need help. I guess just keep us in your prayers and we will cross each day as it goes. I just wanted to go to Thads wedding but I dont know if we will get to due to me having quite a bit of pain in the last couple days and just getting to Washington and leaving all this bullshit stress behind as far as Colorado goes we have only met a few people here who havent screwed us over and I am ready to get back to Washington where at the very least I have my family and some of my most cherished of friends. I love you all and thank you for allowing me to vent some of my crazy out on you.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 07:21:32 +0000

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