So as you all know, Shabazz, a former black Panther, now county - TopicsExpress


So as you all know, Shabazz, a former black Panther, now county commissioner, has called out the owner of the convenience store. He publicly claimed on a megaphone in a street rally that since the store called the crime stoppers hotline and reported the whereabouts of the wanted criminal (which actually didnt happen), ultimately led to the criminals death a few minutes later. Even though he was a wanted criminal who broke out the window of the police car and drew a gun on the cops, his death was the actions of the store owner turning him in...not himself being a gun wielding criminal. Shabazz has basically rallied the people up by saying that if a black man does crime in his area, it should be allowed. Black criminals are safe and supported by him, and shame on any of you who turn that criminal in. Skin color aside, a crime is a crime and thats why our city has a crime-stoppers hotline. However, Shabazz clearly only sees skin color and reacts more harshly than any racist fool Ive seen yet in this town. I felt it necessary to leave my opinions with a city Alderman this morning, since I felt no legit actions have been taken yet. My thoughts about Shabazzs actions toward the convenient store owner and the shooting were this: I think the store owner should sue Shabazz for defamation immediately. I know I would. His public accusations were completely uncalled for and go against the rebuilding and support of our community. He has violated the code of ethics (yes, I looked them up and read them). He is a jerk (my opinion), and should be removed from the county commissioners office immediately. Anyone supporting the public defamation of an innocent citizen who was was thought to have (but not actually) implemented our crime-stoppers program should be arrested. I mean really?! Does Shabazzs actions really reflect the inner thoughts and feelings of other elected officials? His statements where extremely disturbing and Im shocked that there hasnt been in instant reprimand. The citizens are watching and already taking notes for the next election.... just sayin.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 16:37:01 +0000

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