So back to motion , my hands bit wakle , yet still breathing :-) , - TopicsExpress


So back to motion , my hands bit wakle , yet still breathing :-) , so why does iraq face a problem can sa martial plan work in iraq , probably not cause Iraq depended on a selected educated minority that found protection under a security umbrella that didnt work on sharing security princple it bought time upon what we have today , meaning in iraq hamurabi law had a meaning in uni outside of uni would be hard to find soviet union also had a similar problem plus the effect of using scientist from germany , and the effect of abstract study of family . rather the study of comunity needs and hopes of people ? am i wrong yes cause in my opinion communism never reached maturity aka spiretual connection to nature or a meaning were every person can have a place like the soviet union drawings in metro the movement stayed also under ground in usa also the abstract side of family and person was studied yet cause of capitalism and religion it was not widespread . the question lies in what can be iraq and syria role in the future i would suggest baath party can play a role in middle class , though it needs an upgrade for example why write god name on a flag ? how can baath party regain some agreement and the scar be healed with out upsetting Iran , am I alloud to be muslim and study an new part of communism were abstract thought is connected to what exists in nature and relativity to what should be perfect is an reality in mind , aka the dream principle plus invest in personal space of people and people see a song regardless from were it comes an investment rather just seen a song or even material or food just needs . as the structure of the system I dont know I should had red the old mans book from iraq rather than thinking he wanted money . may be iraqi sciencetist can conclude or educated people can conclude them selfs a meeting , chaid al hiary told me of an Iraqi teacher while he was in ahlia uni who was offerd a pass from Argentina he never accepted . why does modern Iraqi goverment treat iraqis worst than americans ? or ban religous talk or is afraid from its neighbours ? how can Iraqi people learn to oversee theire national wealth or water industry and plumming as electricity as schools . who can send teachers to theire schools or give them educational practical lessons .
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 11:27:50 +0000

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