So, did some surfing and came across what looks to be linked - TopicsExpress


So, did some surfing and came across what looks to be linked information on the plot of Superman vs Batman: Dawn of Justice. Give it a read and lets get to talking. Kyle Ill say you happen to be right about one thing we talked about before. 1) The basic plot structure is exactly like The Dark Knight Returns (TDKR) 2) Superman will be a government tool just like in the TDKR. But here he is working for the government & Luthor to atone for all the destruction that happened in Man of Steel. 3) Superman feels immense guilt over the events of Man of Steel and the movie deals with him trying to make up for it in any way possible. This film will be kind of part 2 of his origin story. 4) Batman is a secluded figure. Robin did die at some point during Bruces career causing him to hang up the cape. Bruce Waynes age will be around late 40s to early 50s in this film. We dont get much of his back story in this film. 5) Alfred and Bruce have very few scenes and just like TDKR he dissuades him from fighting Superman 6) Jim Gordon is in this film. Bruce Wayne and Gordon have a dinner scene just like in TDKR 7) Wonder Woman comes to Metropolis after the events of Man of Steel because she feels Superman could be one of the lost Gods of her people. She doesnt get too many action scenes but she is involved in the final fight in some capacity. There is a thread which can further lead to 4th world, Darkseid etc. 8) Aquaman is in this movie. Arthur Curry is a marine biologist that Superman encounters sometime during the film. 9) Hal Jordan is name dropped in this movie by Amanda Waller who will be working with Mercy Graves and Lex Luthor 10) Lex Luthor will be a young guy in this film. He will lose his hair due to cancer. He will be manipulating Superman. Kryptonite is in this movie 11) Batman vs Superman fight will be the climax of this film and not in the middle as some fans were hoping. Batman beats Superman. Superman holds back in the fight because he knows Batman is correct ideologically 12) Batman teaches Superman that being a government stooge is wrong. Pa Kents quote is used You have to decide what kinda man you wanna be by either one of them at some point of the fight. Superman wants to lose this fight so that the government thinks Superman can be beaten and that he is not an unbeatable God 13) Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman will be the main characters in this film and after Batman vs Superman fight they team up to form the Justice League. What do you guys think about these rumors? Let us know in the comments below!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 18:04:49 +0000

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