So, earlier, I posted about the selfie incident in my class. It - TopicsExpress


So, earlier, I posted about the selfie incident in my class. It reached the president of the student group, and respectfully communicated with a message that corrected me that Sigao is NOT a political party, but a socio-political party, acknowledged my being politically active, and commended by being NOT apathetic. My reply is quite lengthy, but I am sharing it here to give light to those who may consider my points as a light about the incident, especially the Benildean undergraduates. (Final warning: lengthy post.) - - - Hi Miss! First of all, thank you for being responsible with your partys actions. I reacted because I am the adviser of that ongoing class. I became tolerant because we were having an informal class that evening, otherwise, I have sent that man to the OSB right that very moment, coming straight to my class without even proper introduction, and without asking permission properly. Second, in a more social context, apathy is subjective, and cannot be generalized, or be set to encompass a mass. If you were to tell me that I am NOT apathetic, it would only apply to subjects/things that interest me, otherwise, I am apathetic to subjects/things that I have no interest in. Please do not tag Benildeans as generally apathetic, because there are things that they care about, more than your eyes and thoughts can muster. Instead of repeatedly calling your fellow students apathetic, please help the College remove this stigma. Third, collegiate socio-political parties are a good jumpstart for the future leaders of our nation, but you couldve campaigned for responsible choosing of organizations and groups, instead of doing activities similar to the incident. Otherwise, you have just wasted a big chance to send out a better message to the students, because, really, building confidence of individuals can be done internally, within your student group. Also, offices in our College can aid you facilitate such, in case your group arent well-aware of that fact. Politically, playing such games project a (sorry for the term, but there is nothing more fit) trapo kind of party. Fourth, if you were to set such an activity, please make sure that the DSL approves of this, because your student group are under their office. Build confidence, but be sure to build it starting with proper decorum. If you would call that activity a game, please set rules because games are based on rules, and I think number one is to never play that game in ongoing classes, next must be properly identify representatives and student groups before doing anything else. Fifth, socio-politically speaking, our nation is plagued with a race greatly infested by a huge mass of blind-conformists. Blind-conformity must be aleviated, and your student group has just made more blind-conforming students through that activity, because of the improper introduction of your representative about the game, and they participated without even knowing what they were in for. Those things I have pointed out are concerns of a good socio-political group, as these points are a mix of social and political factors. If you aim to work for the students, be a light to them how a model Benildean should act and be like. That is true service that needs no marketing or games to boost self-confidence. (This response communication I sent you I will also set publicly, so as to serve its purpose of containing information, which others may find helpful/useful, too.) Thank you very much, again, for taking time to communicate about this matter. Animo!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 14:08:29 +0000

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