So every now and then you hear a story that warms your heart or - TopicsExpress


So every now and then you hear a story that warms your heart or restores your faith in humanity and occasionally.. the corporate world. Today I witnessed one first hand. We picked up a family in DC with a little boy who has terminal cancer. I got to talk with him a bit in the cafe car. It was so amazing to meet this little boy (I think hes 10). He knows he may not see another year, and yet spoke of his cancer like most of us would our fave team losing: disappointed but hey... not the end of the world. I truly stared bravery in the face. But the story gets better. He loves trains, and this is his first real train trip. He asked the conductor if he could see the engine. Of course, that is kind of forbidden by law. Once again, disappointed but hey... not the end of the world. I just found out that the conductor immediately put wheels in motion. In less than 5 hours, the engineer contacted Amtrak, who then contacted the Make A Wish foundation. They, in turn, coordinated with the DOT and got paperwork pushed through and permissions approved. Now, this young man will not only get to see the engine, but get to ride in the engine for the next two stops (about an hour or so). I watched as he and his parents were escorted to the front of the train. His parents crying uncontrollable tears of joy and this little boy was happier than I have ever seen a child - all while passengers cheered and applauded from the windows of the train. I wont lie. Im crying as I type this. Appreciate the little things people. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. And sleep well tonight knowing there actually are amazing acts of kindness going on all around us. All it takes is the willingness to act.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 23:17:18 +0000

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