So exactly one month from today, my last semester of college - TopicsExpress


So exactly one month from today, my last semester of college begins and I will be 15 weeks away from graduating with my associates degree in respiratory therapy. I can not express in words how excited I am about the future for my little family and to finally reach a huge life goal that I set. There have been times in my life that I thought it was going to be absolutely impossible for me to go to college, get a degree, and not just be another statistic. But when you have a drive to do something and a reason to be motivated, you never give up. It is absolutely true that whatever you put your mind to, you can do. There will be obstacles that get in the way, just as with every walk of life...but somewhere you have to find that little bit of drive to push even harder. And during those difficult times when you feel at your weakest and just want to quit, take a step back and look at everyone who is watching and waiting on you to fail just to say I told you so. But also take a moment to think about all of those who believed in you and are routing for you to succeed. Every single time I have wanted to quit or just thought I wasnt going to make it, I took a step back and reevaluated everything I had to lose but what I had to gain and every ounce of effort, energy and time I had already dedicated. And every time I realized that a small investment now would reward me with a much bigger reward in the end. I have had a lot of support from some wonderful people in my life and I thank God that they were put in my path. I am truly blessed that Richie has been by my side on this journey and has supported my decisions and encouraged me. From the moment I was accepted in the program, he told me it wouldnt be easy but knew it was my dream and wouldnt be the one to stop me from going for it. He has made sure I got my work done when he knew I was procrastinating, taken the kids place so I could have quiet time, took over during the long clinical nights and listened to me complain about things that he has no idea about, but most importantly he has loved me through my stressful moments, dealt with ill moments that had nothing to do with him and is still by my side letting me know how smart I am or how proud he is of me. Something that is good to hear every once in a while. Im also thankful for the many people in my life who have helped me get the kids to and from places whether it be ball practice, school, home or watched them because without someone looking out for my babies from time to time, all of this would be impossible and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. But one more person who comes to mind every time I think about graduation is Jill Stanford Huckeba. And I just have to say how incredibly amazing you are. I remember some of our conversations just like it was yesterday. You have given me some words of wisdom and enough encouragement that made. Big enough impact to last a lifetime. And I am so thankful for your kind spirit and touching words that were very much needed at that time in my life. You will always hold hold a special place in my heart. My rant is almost over but I want everyone in every aspect of my life no matter how big or small the gestures or favors have been I appreciate all the help along the way. I couldnt have done this alone. I love you all!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:49:36 +0000

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