So far, we have discussed the fact that Gurdjieff, Castaneda, and - TopicsExpress


So far, we have discussed the fact that Gurdjieff, Castaneda, and the Cassiopaeans have all talked about the prison of third density reality. Gurdjieff opines that it is because of forces that act on man to control him, and these forces are somewhat nebulous and belong to different levels or worlds of creation. According to don Juan, we are in prison because the Predator has “given us his mind” in order to feed on us. He talks about the higher worlds in terms of the unknown and the unknowable. The Cassiopaeans say we are in prison essentially because we chose it in order to learn and acquire experience — that God/the Universe more or less has “fun” in the great Cosmic Drama planned at Level Seven and executed down through the levels of density like a play with writers, producers, directors, actors, and so forth. And, all of these parts are “played” by One Being. At the same time, Ouspensky suggests that we can also choose which of the forces or laws (or parts in the play) we live under. He notes that “Forces pass through man and he takes this, as his own desires, sympathies, and attractions. But it is only forces passing through him from all directions.” In such a case, a person lives under the “law of accident”, as he puts it. The Cassiopaeans say that this condition of randomness means that man is living under a control system that is designed to keep him confused and unaware so that he can continue as food for higher density beings. Don Juan says, in effect, a similar thing. I would call it the Law of Chaos. Then, Gurdjieff suggests that this state of confusion and accidentalness begin to disappear when we begin to wake up. He points out that “this law is very big and many sided. It is a question of degree. Only in the Absolute are things absolute. For us, it is a long stairway and on each step, one is more free.” He suggests that we cannot really do anything — that is, have any control over our choices and direction at all, until we reach the higher levels, and that the only way to do this is to begin to try to understand these influences because, as he says: “If we know, we may change something.” What he seems to be saying is that this “knowing” is part of the process of opening ourselves to higher forces. He notes that: “Higher forces or higher influences are normal, cosmic; but we can open ourselves to receive them, or shut ourselves off from them. If we are asleep, we are more closed to them, and the more we are asleep, the more we are closed. If we awake, we open ourselves to higher influences.” This “opening ourselves to higher forces” seems to be a key element because it is then that we can begin to differentiate between what influence comes from what higher source and make some sort of consciousness shift so as to select which influence one wishes to be “under”. This goes back to the Eclipsing of Realities example, where these realities are described as Thought Centers that traverse all densities. Ouspensky remarks that: “Man and even mankind does not exist separately, but as a part of the whole of organic life. The earth needs organic life as a whole — men, animals and plants. The Ray of Creation is a growing branch, and this communication is necessary in order that the branch may grow further. Everything is connected, nothing is separate, and smaller things, if they exist, serve something bigger… Organic life is a particular cosmic unit and man is a unit in this big mass of organic life. He has the possibility of further development, but this development depends on man’s own effort and understanding. It enters into the cosmic purpose that a certain number of men should develop, but not all, for that would contradict another cosmic purpose. Evidently mankind must be on earth and must lead this life and suffer. But a certain number of men can escape, this also enters into the cosmic purpose…” How this is done, the Cassiopaeans suggest, is through becoming aware of the meaning of the Symbols of Reality. We first become aware of these symbols as manifested in ourselves — physically, psychically, emotionally and mentally — and then expand this outward to understand our environment. It seems that our environment and experiences, individually and collectively, reflects our Selection of Influences. Thus, we must first begin to examine ourselves, our thoughts and actions and from whence they actually originate, that is to say, which influence is dominant, and then we can begin to make choices about whether or not we will continue to interact with — or enact — this influence. Our environment and experiences then will begin to demonstrate the results of these choices, thereby giving us a feedback system that confirms or denies the rightness of our choice. And our choices, made in relation to our reality, can be either dependent upon outward perception, or inward perception. - from
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:29:16 +0000

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