So heres the thing about womens shelters and domestic violence. - TopicsExpress


So heres the thing about womens shelters and domestic violence. Most women still dont use them because people still blame the victim even after she leaves--or actually most especially after she leaves. There isnt all this support for women that men dont get--this just isnt true. In fact, we live in a racist, capitalist patriarchy where white men, as a group, will have a much easier time having his situation, concerns for his safety, etc. taken seriously than any other group. It is the poor, minorities, children, and yes women who need extra resources especially for them precisely because the system has left them out BY DEFAULT. The difference between the sentencing for George Zimmerman (lack thereof) versus for Marissa Alexander (20 years minimum in prison for black woman merely firing *warning shot* in self defense against husband who admitted he was beating the crap out of her) is illustrative. Gender, race, and class are all intimately intertwined. The human history of violence is gendered, racialized, and classist. You cant dismiss any of these components. Income inequality (the gap between sports franchise owners/players and the 99%, e.g.) sure doesnt help. /off my soapbox. Other peoples mileages Im sure vary considerably from mine. Regardless, I hope you have a lovely weekend and thanks for reading my rant. Xo, Mona
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 01:11:08 +0000

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