So how do I know the world is ending? 1. Obama’s initial - TopicsExpress


So how do I know the world is ending? 1. Obama’s initial campaign sign was the sun rising in the west. Although this may mean nothing to you… it means everything to the Islamic State. The Quran and Bible teach that when the end is, the sun will rise in the West. Which is crazy because the sun always rises in the East and sets in the West. This equals the end of present rule. Obama winning the election meant the end of America and the Rise of Islam. Which is why you are hearing a lot about Isis, Isil, IS, Islamic State. King James Bible That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. Quran صلى الله عليه وسلم said, The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until the sun rises from the West. When the people witness this, everyone who will be living on the face of the Earth will develop faith ( believe in Allah), but that is when believing will no longer be of benefit... (Sahih Bukhari) ثلاث إذا خرجن لم ينفع { نفسا إيمانها لم تكن آمنت من قبل } الآية الدجال ، والدابة ، وطلوع الشمس من المغرب – أو من مغربها الراوي: أبو هريرة المحدث: الألباني - المصدر: صحيح الترمذي 2. The Combination of ISIS becoming a national security threat by breaching the border, Iran now being a Nuclear Power, A surge in immigration of Mexicans to the United States, so called Ebola, and our War with Russia. The United Nations already have this planned out. Here is the plan. The Stock Market(Dow Jones) will be very weak in the time to come, but then the Federal Reserve will fix it to go back up. Although it will be up, it will be fragile because the numbers will be mainly manipulated. a. The Ebola Outbreak will get worse. But only on the news. In reality, the threat is minimal. But Flu season is coming up so people will be getting accused of having symptoms of Ebola, which will really just be the flu or common cold. The government will at that time start detaining people who are sick to administer the microchip Ebola vaccine. Obama care will try to make it mandatory to get the shot. The government will have the Mail Man come to your home and administer the shot if you don’t already have it and are signed up for Obama care. The Ebola fears will further weaken the Stock Market. b. The US Borders are wide open, Over 500,000 Mexican children have crossed the border by themselves. Our government is secretly housing them in huge storage buildings… The border is being purposely left open because it is time for THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION, merging the United States, Mexico, and Canada. ISIS will use the relaxing of the boarders to set off a bomb by a border state. In cooperation with the US government, ISIS will begin to stage kidnappings and killing of Americans their employment with America will be over once the people have a healthy fear. The Stock Market will then spiral out of control. I am still not sure if Iran will bomb New York but it is on the Agenda…probably only if all else fails. You see, the US has to fail in order for the World Stage to get bigger. Which is why the United Nations is working hard to make it happen. The problem is that… America is super strong and it will take a little more time to kill her off. …Moving along… So the combination of ISIS in the United States and the Ebola terror will cause the Stock Market to Crash… after the crash, there will be no food stamps, no water, people will be scared to go out because of Ebola and ISIS. And so then it will begin… c. At that time the United Nations and FEMA will begin the roundup. They will say, IF YOU COME TO OUR FEMA CAMPS, WE WILL PROTECT YOU FROM ISIS, we will feed you(GMO’s) and we will shelter you until a new system is put into place…(North American Union) but you must take the EBOLA MICRCHIP vaccine to get into the Fema Camp. And they will take care of you, at the expense of your soul. Those of US that refuse to go to the Fema Camps will go to WW3 with the United Nations. It wont be ISIS shooting at us, it will be UN troops, but then they will portray us as the terrorist that they are protecting yall from. We will seek refuge on the land but they will hunt us down because we will be the resistance, we will be the strong, the self reliant, the last great hope for humanity…and they wont have it. People like me, Returning veterans that know whats going on, Tea Party members, NRA members, and anyone else not willing to go to a Fema Camp/ death camp/ Pre Hell, will have to fight. d. They will wipe most of us out quickly but I will make it… with the Millions upon millions of ammo they have bought… They will put us into caskets in which can hold up to 3 people at a time and mass grave us. They will tell the rest of the world and history that we died from Ebola. The North American Union will be brought in but with socialism. The BRICS will be the new America. The combination of Brazil Russia India China, and South Africa will become the new economic super powers. This is why Russia does not care about the sanctions imposed on them by the US thus far. They have made a super pact with the other BRICS nations to start a new world bank by February of next year. None of these nations are trading US dollars amongst each other. They are all sending back the US currency as you read this. Another reason the stock market is in the red. All that money coming back to the US economy is making the money in our pockets… worthless. Get ready for 2015 and beyond. e. BONUS:The aliens will then come and the world as we know it will change forever. At first we will be at peace with the aliens… but fairly quickly that relationship will turn sour. The aliens will leave and we will then know that there are hostile aliens amongst us and the stars. This will set the stage for The World to unite under one cause, the protection of our true living God… Earth against the alien threat.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:33:08 +0000

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