So, how was everyones Saturday? Mine started at 12:30 am. - TopicsExpress


So, how was everyones Saturday? Mine started at 12:30 am. Attempting to turn off a lamp and head to bed, at the lake. My feet had another idea. Instead of making their way around or over the hardwood flooring boxes, that have been in the same place for months, they decided to stop into them. Causing me to fall face first to the floor. Busting my bottom lip WIDE and DEEP open. Plus slamming my right sided ribs into the end of the boxes. Leaving me in severe pain and bleeding. Benny decided I really needed stiches. With it being so late, raining, hilly roads and an hour away from the hospital, we got the bleeding stopped and decided to wait till the morning and head to a suggested clinic 30 mins. away. To no avail. They didnt have the proper equip. nor doc to fix me. Back to the cabin, packed up and headed to KC. cutting our stay two days short. Fast forward-- 9 hrs. 6 of them at St Lukes hospital. 2 xrays, 9 stiches on the outside, several in, tetanus and antibiotic shots, an oral surgeon and two prescriptions plus possible broken ribs later, we are finally home. Oh, did I ask, HOW WAS YOUR SATURDAY???
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 04:25:29 +0000

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