coming out of a store the other day...and had noticed a - TopicsExpress

   coming out of a store the other day...and had noticed a older woman..bent over.. Struggling with her cart n checking out.. I had stopped to speak to sum one but kept one eye in her. Obviously she wanted no help. She was determined. To do it herself... So when she got to the doors... .she was realy having a hard time pushing her cart n the doors open.. So.. I step up behind her....reach well over her head and push the door open n hold it in place. Now me being tall n long arms i culd easily do this n she never knew i was there. I watched to her car n load n get in.. Satisfied she was ok i turned to get my things.. N realize there r several people standing there grinning at me n one said that was realy nice of you. I culd feel my face flush n smiled back. it felt good to help...n she never knew.... Far as she knew.. She did it all herself! Respect n dignity!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:43:06 +0000

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