So much is hidden from the masses and so many put their trust in - TopicsExpress


So much is hidden from the masses and so many put their trust in the wrong places. It is better to worship the Lord in Spirit alone then within a perverted man-made system of religion which will never bring Salvation like many think it will. It is better to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in the Word of God and actually research on the things it speaks of rather then just putting your trust in a man or Pastor to do it for you. Because their are so many things that Pastors never even touch on and never teach their people about, but the Word of God does teach on it and God teaches his people about it if you have the insight of what he is trying to tell you within the scriptures speaking on it, which the insight will come through your research on the subjects. Salvation only comes from Jesus and him alone, it doesnt matter how much you go to Church or even how good of a person you are, the only thing that is going to give you Salvation is Jesus Christ and your belief and faith in him and he is the only thing acceptable to God, your belief and faith in him should give you the Spirit to want to do Gods will and follow his commandments or at least try to. Your works in your life will be rewarded by the Lord but it isnt by our works that we are giving Salvation. It is important to have a full insight and understanding of the Word of God rather it is speaking about Good things or Bad things, the bad is taught with good reasoning, without the bad we dont have the full insight of the good half of scripture, If it wasnt important to have a understanding on it God wouldnt have put it within his Word. Me personally I enjoy teaching on the unusual things that are hardly ever spoken of within the Word of God or in the world in general, someone needs to do it, seems like most just ignore those things. You can learn about Jesus and God anywhere in any Church by any Pastor, but many of them ignore the unusual things in both scripture and society, so I just chose to teach on the other half of scripture that is ignored.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 19:46:31 +0000

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