New Years resolution/Speech......will most likely look - TopicsExpress

   New Years resolution/Speech......will most likely look like the one that my friend Dave Sven Redbeard Asplund said..... In 2015, I will still keep voicing my opinions. I will still post about pro-gun rights, Viking-age stuff, Heathen stuff, D&D stuff, griping about how Disney/MARVEL made Thor into a Disney Princess, protest how religious signs/plaques/statues(unless they allow ALL) need to be removed from gov. owned property/public schools, and all the other stuff that I post about. Now, I understand that some of you may not agree with me, or like some of the stuff I post. Ya know.....TOO DAMN BAD~! This is MY Facebook account, and I will post what I wish to. You dont like it or agree with it? Fine. Ya want to argue(reasonably) with me on certain topics? Fine. However, ya start calling me names, cursing & swearing at me, or saying that my religion is not real & based on Fantasy Books? Well.....after maybe 2 or 3 times....maybe just after ONE time......[POOF], and I hit the DELETE & BLOCK options. Plain & simple. I am not gonna change being ME. On that same note, I dont expect others to CHANGE if they are strong in their beliefs or positions on topics for me. What I do hope to more tolerance/understanding. If not.....ya know what? Its NOT my concern, and I will either (A) ignore you, or (B) DELETE & BLOCK you. Plain & simple. Hope everyone has a great 2015~! [MESSAGE ENDS]
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 19:47:46 +0000

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