So my parents keep making up lame excuses as to why I cant go to - TopicsExpress


So my parents keep making up lame excuses as to why I cant go to Youmacon, I really want to go so badly. I started typing them a letter, I have not shown it to them yet. If you would like to proof read it, maybe tell me something that I could add that would help persuade them to let me go, it would be much appreciated. Thanks for your help ^_^ Dear Parent(s), I still really want to go to Youmacon very much. There has got to be an approach that your decision will give way to which will allow me to attend this exuberant event. You were living with your parents once. There were things that you wanted to do that they did not want you going to either. Picture this: you know of this annual concert where multiple of your favorite bands will be performing. You know people who have went to this concert in previous years as well as people going this year and the next. At this annual concert one of your favorite bands always premiers a new song; you have later heard their new songs from previous years at this annual concert and love every one of them, so much to the point that you already know that you are going to love the new song and will be getting it as soon as they make it available and you get to somewhere that you can retrieve it. You really want to go to this concert, but your parents say no; they say that you cannot attend this concert because of the city that it is in. They tell you maybe next year, or if it were in a different city, one particular one that they have been to more often. You just so happen to find another concert that your favorite band is attending that an emotionally closer friend is going to that coincidentally happens to be right around where your parents specifically told you they would rather the concert be in. Your parents deny your request for attending that concert as well, and you are not sure if they will be returning to that one yet again next year, as where you are certain that they will be attending the other concert again next year. You have been saving up all of your spending money that you have specifically set aside in hopes of using it to pay for yourself to go to this annual concert your favorite bands repeatedly perform at. You know you have friends attending that are willing to give your parents their numbers if it will make them feel better. Still, the chances of your parents allowing you to attend are not looking very bright. Just like concerts, not every con is the same. Your parents may allow you to go to another concert that none of your friends or favorite bands will be at, but not the one that you want to go to. The one that your parents will allow you to go to is much farther away, and although you have a family member who is willing to drive you around at the concert you would need a ride to your family member’s place so that they could drive you. You have been planning on going to the concert that your favorite bands will be performing at and know how much it will cost for tickets, but you do not know how much tickets are at the concert your parents will let you attend that you will have to pay for yourself as well. I know many people who have gone to Youmacon before. I know multiple people who will be attending this year, and next year as well. Some of the people that I know have offered to give me their phone numbers so that I could give them to you so you would feel better about the idea of letting me to. At Youmacon there will be Team Four Star and LittleKuriboh, who will be hosting panels that I want to attend. Team Four Star, at Youmacon, will be premiering their newest episode from (at least) one of their series. The episode that I know for sure that they will be premiering is from my favorite parody series that they make, and they release an episode from it only once a year (always at Youmacon); it is also the 5th episode of this series of theirs. I also know that this is Youmacon’s 10th anniversary this year. The only thing that my going to Youmacon this year will cost you is your permission. I have been saving up for a year with SendEarnings and have enough to pay for their three day pass (with the at door price at that) for Youmacon this year. I have a friend who will be driving there who could pick me up on the way. I also know a group of people who have already paid for the hotel room and were looking for more people to stay with them without making them even split the bill or pay them back. If you still do not want me to attend this year, I have an alternate option for you. I have a friend who lives in Illinois who is throwing a Halloween party. I would really like to attend her party, but I would need a ride there, whereas for Youmacon I might actually be able to bum a ride from someone I know is going. I also will continue to save my specifically set aside spending money and will be even more financially stable to attend by the time Youmacon comes around next year; especially considering that the early preregistered tickets cost less than paying at door. Also, I have a friend who would potentially like to try and host a panel at next year’s Youmacon and it sounds as if they would like me to help them host this panel.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:20:58 +0000

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