So, non-conformity and free-thinking are both, NOW, considered a - TopicsExpress


So, non-conformity and free-thinking are both, NOW, considered a mental illness. Just another reason for me to distrust the medical corporate field - everyone tells me that the med profession has my best interest in mind. The truth is revealed by the result. The medical industry has marvelous, second-to-none medicines and knowledge that has proven time and time again to be the best possible outlet for healing and overall physical/mental well-being. However, medicines and knowledge are only tools - most seem to neglect this reality. For any tool to be useful it first has to have a.... wielder! Who are the wielders of these tools? Human beings. Are human beings perfect? No. Who has control of these tools? Ohh, $h!t. Is a nice idea synonymous with reality? Ohh, $h!t. con·form verb. 1. comply with rules, standards, or laws. synonyms: comply with, abide by, obey, observe, follow, keep to, stick to, adhere to, uphold, heed, accept, go along with, fall in with, respect, defer to; satisfy, meet, fulfill. 2. (of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards. the pressure to conform synonyms: follow convention, be conventional, fit in, adapt, adjust, follow the crowd. antonyms: rebel 3. be similar in form or type; agree. synonyms: match, fit, suit, answer, agree with, be like, correspond to, be consistent with, measure up to, tally with, square with More antonyms: differ. free·think·er noun. 1. one who forms opinions on the basis of reason independently of authority; especially: one who doubts or denies religious dogma. Who benefits here? So, by degree of medical authority, the general consensus belief-system of the people (herd) is the standard from which mental health is based upon. Theres a room occupied by 10 African men and 3 Asian men - the logic above dictates that the Asian men are wrong, or ill, because they are not part of the majority - and the majority is the definitive standard in which moral right and social behavioral acceptance are based upon. No difference.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:29:35 +0000

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