So now he might not be evicted after all. Thank goodness he has a - TopicsExpress


So now he might not be evicted after all. Thank goodness he has a kind landlady and understanding neighbours. She called me and said if he takes his medication like he is supposed to then he is allowed to stay. I gave her his sisters phone number, she can handle that part, I wont be here. It is nice to know that some people do have big hearts after all. I explained he really is only afraid and more scared than harmful when he is in psychosis. He gets violent but it is directed at himself or inanimate objects rather than people. He is kind hearted guy, a very polite person when he is well. I wish them all luck and wellness and love. I forgive him, it is his illness, mental health is another one I have to let go of. It is all out of my hands anyways. It always has been except for when he is held against his will, then I am next of kin so they talk to me. This is our mental health system, like it or not, it is what it is. I understand why the laws are there but they should also allow room for some kind of compromise, just my humble opinion. I think I am cried out now, I sure hope so, starting to feel like a fountain the last few days, lol. I got the bad that went with the good, there is always a trade off, for each action a reaction, or something like that. I hope the rest is smooth sailing now. Ever hopeful, that is me. Always hoping, always looking for the good in people, always trying to put the shoe on my foot to see how it feels. Time to think of myself, time to look forward not backwards. Time to let it all go and finally heal the old wounds. Banish the old ghosts and clean that attic up, make room for happiness, that is all I want for everyone, including myself. Selfish old me, lol....
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 17:58:38 +0000

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