So often we place importance on the wrong things. We teach our - TopicsExpress


So often we place importance on the wrong things. We teach our children to do the same thing. We unconsciously and with good intention place values on things that dont really mean that much. When was the last time you or your child skipped a bible study or worship service for a one of the 50 million extra curricular activities? Do we place as much importance on studying the word of God as we do math and English? When was the last time you showed your child that there is nothing more important than God? Luke 18:15-16 NLT One day some parents brought their little children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But when the disciples saw this, they scolded the parents for bothering him. Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 12:44:32 +0000

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