So, once again, an MJ project ends up in some type of litigation. - TopicsExpress


So, once again, an MJ project ends up in some type of litigation. It ALWAYS seems to come down to this. I am especially disappointed to hear this regarding The Last Photo Shoot, a documentary that I was very excited about. I find it ironic that Howard Weitzman should challenge this film on the grounds that it contains private footage that Michael wouldnt have wanted released, when this is the very same argument that many make against the idea of posthumous albums. Michael didnt sanction those songs to be released anymore than he has sanctioned the footage in this documentary. Note, of course, that I am not opposed to those songs being released. On the contrary, Im thrilled that we have them. Rather, its the principle of it-the hypocrisy of it-that Im really calling the estate out on. Generally, I applaud the estates efforts to look out for the Michael Jackson brand and its best interests but sometimes I think they carry it too far. These were photo shoots made for Ebony and Vogue. I am not going to pretend to be legally savvy enough to know whether the estate can rightfully claim those images (I suppose legally they can; after all, they own the rights to MJs likeness) but, according to this article, they passed on the rights to this footage in 2011. Im just disappointed, however, that now it has come down to yet another lawsuit against the estate and litigation that could keep this wonderful documentary tied up in the courts for who knows how long. The fans WANT this documentary, and it would be smart for all parties to work together to make this happen, rather than dragging it through court and making it a lose-lose for everyone. hollywoodreporter/thr-esq/michael-jackson-documentary-featuring-private-715547
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:01:22 +0000

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