So, recently a favorite raw foods educator of mine shared about - TopicsExpress


So, recently a favorite raw foods educator of mine shared about not being totally raw vegan. Although she said it wasnt a confession, it sounded like one. And, I thought that it is so weird how difficult it always seems for raw foodists to share the fact that they are not totally raw. Im not sure what people do behind their kitchen door, I just know I want to eat better and have more healthy food options where fruits and vegetables are concerned. I have tried to make sure that everyone knows that I am NOT 100% raw and I am NOT vegan, but from time-to-time it pops up even for me where someone seems so disillusioned when they see me eating an warm root vegetables with an egg on the side -- or something like that. I dont dwell on the fact that Im not fully raw -- and I dont post much of my other foods here because that is not the primary reason why I created this page -- but I have mentioned it in other posts and referred to this as my journey. I have in no way reached a food choice destination and actually my path weaves me forward and back with a feeling of regularity. Clearly, from the egg reference above, I am NOT a vegetarian either. If you are a friend on my personal FB page, then you may have seen some of the non-raw, cooked, non-vegan/vegetarian meals I have made for my husband. I generally do at least taste it to make sure its edible and sometimes I eat some myself. So, why am I telling you this (again)? I just want to make sure that no one is mislead by the title of my page here. i dont want there to be some scandalous online gossip that Im not really raw. Especially since I never claimed to be fully raw. Although at times I eat fully raw or very high raw for extended periods, I usually find Iiiiiii need to come down from that fabulous food high and get grounded through other food choices. So, I prefer to call myself more of a raw foods enthusiast (although I disdain food labeling for this very reason: people need to be free to change without feeling guilty about it). Here on this page, I want to create a community around raw foods that makes room for everyone. Yep, I like a bit of food/diet/cuisine DIVERSITY at my table (more to that comment than meets the eye). I have an inclusivist attitude and dont EVER want to make another person feel uncomfortable or less than because of their food choices. There is always room to grow and we can all be educated a little more, but judging other people is NOT ACCEPTABLE in my book. As I have said in some of my other posts and forums, EVERYONE can benefit from including more raw, living, and plant-based cuisine in their daily diet. Now, I actually have been fully raw at times in my life and I do go for periods even now where I eat fully raw. I do believe that it is a superior dietary choice (right up there with food combining). BUT, I also think that it is not well-suited for every person in every place at every stage of life. Because of bio-individuality, people often move through different dietary phases/stages. I hope that we can always be respectful toward other people around this issue and treat our family, friends, strangers and, most importantly, ourselves with dignity and love, remembering that we all have a place to grow to. So, theres my confession, even though its not one. Just a clarification. And, back to what is really important? 30 Days Green 30 Days Green 30 Days Green A flexible program for us all to share in where ever we are in our food choices! Coming up soon and I hope you will join me and see what its all about.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:34:04 +0000

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