So..talking with a patient today from my work with the American - TopicsExpress


So..talking with a patient today from my work with the American Cancer Society brought me back to when I was diagnosed back in 2007 with breast cancer..knowing that I wasnt the only one to ever be diagnosed but yet feeling alone..and then a blessing showed up in the form of a torn off slip of paper with the name of a book-Dr. Susan Loves Breast Book, and a womans name.Ann Bastian. My husband brought this piece of paper home from work(his squadron on base) saying that a woman in the office who just so happened to be this womans daughter..Amy Cash(used to be Bastian) gave him this slip of paper so I could read this great,informative book and call her mom who was going through breast cancer treatments before surgery(which I was doing the opposite of). Well,true to form for myself,I thought about it for a week or 2 before calling. I was nervous to talk with a stranger and I wanted to give her time before I sprang myself on her! But boy,I did have Jeremy run me to Barnes and Noble so I could buy that book..which is wonderful by the way and something I really needed at the time! Well,after my 2 surgeries and while I was still recovering,I did finally call this woman..Ann.And we made a date for breakfast at Bob Evans. And our time was wonderful and refreshing..we talked about any and everything with not a worry if we were making anyone feel uncomfortable with cancer talk..and I came home ready to fight cancer!! And later that year I remember at a squadron function both of us running into the bathroom like school girls so I could pull off my hat and her,her wig so we could show each other our bald heads(due to chemo)!!:) Once I can get past the red tape,I love this job with the Cancer Society. I get to help people all of the time..either directing people to others who have been there,done that so they dont have to feel alone,or talking with patients myself because I have a thing or two in common with them(treatments,surgeries,etc..).And sometimes like a call last a married couple hope when things seem dire and full of doom as it often is when you first get those words..youve got cancer. Then I know why I do what I do and can give God the glory for me goingthrough hell and back.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 20:42:36 +0000

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