So there is a Political Civil War going on in our Country. While - TopicsExpress


So there is a Political Civil War going on in our Country. While We The People suffer these clowns are having a good time making things worse. You know why? If you said because each side is fighting for whats right please raise your hand because that is ridiculous. These people are arguing with each other over their own views of what the USA should be. News Flash it was fine the way it was leave it alone, the only problem in our country is the hate baiting, and the power trips in our government. That is the problem the people of Ferguson are rioting and flipping out and where the hell is our great leader? Peep this Democrats and Republicans The night MLK Jr. was shot and killed Robert Kennedy delivered a speech that I feel is so important to share. Against all advice to not deliver this speech he stood up not as a WHITE MAN but as a HUMAN as an American who knew the pain of this kind of situation and the heart and gentle content of his words helped this situation. Blacks shoot blacks, white shoot whites, blacks shoot white, white shoots blacks. What we need in the United States is not division, what we need in the United States is not hatred, what we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness, but is love and wisdom and compassion toward one another, feeling of justice towards those who still suffer in our country rather they be white or black! As I sit in my office in tears of all the hate in the headlines and as I hurt for those who are in Ferguson dealing with all of these senseless acts that bring no solution but more hate to one another. When do we stop aligning behind politics and align behind each other? My head hangs so low today because we dont lack politicians because those people spend millions of dollars to get a five to six figure job which that speaks politics. What we lack is leaders and I dont mean paper leaders, and I dont mean those with 25,000 credits in leadership classes but leaders. The ones not scared when something like this happens to get out to the people connect and lead, especially in times like theses. Glad Im not President because Charlie would of already been in Ferguson with the people getting a handle on this. And all I am is a white guy who graduated 103 out of 104 in High School so what do I know but I have a heart and my heart is for all of Humanity and that doesnt show color but all factions of Government do and which is why its funny they all say how proud they are to serve the UNITED States of America. That is all. However please take a few minutes and watcjh this great speech.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 18:20:18 +0000

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