So this morning, I had a moment. I had no clue it was coming. - TopicsExpress


So this morning, I had a moment. I had no clue it was coming. Something someone said threw me into the proverbial tizzy and, man I had it. My girl has not been feeling well, I have been ill all week and someone said something stupid that I knew was stupid and designed to throw me out of my corner...and it did. I totally went there. The distance, the body aches, concern for my independent and under the weather loved one and stupidity all just hit my breaking point. I cursed. I wept. I had a few choice words to say. I couldnt let any of it go. I was feeling some kinda way and I hung on to that feeling like the true Cancerian crab that I am. And then, I breathed. Sometimes it is just like that. It becomes overwhelming and you just feel like you are going to explode. It is never the big things which get me going. It is always the small final straws which do me in. In my human experience, I am subject to the human frailties and limitations of my flesh. I lose my temper, succumb to sorrows, get tired, depressed or overly excitable. Most days my Divine Mind, resets me before it can happen. Sometimes though, like today, it all just comes out and I have to breathe my way through it. Stop, breathe, reset. It really is that easy. Stop. Breathe. Reset. Before you know it, the calm over takes you and you find yourself back in the flow. When we move with intention in our lives, seeking our Highest Good, it becomes easier to move back on track when we become derailed in our lives. When we see where we are we must stop and make the correction, release that which is not serving our Highest Good in the moment, take a deep breath and remember who and whose we are, take a deep breath or two or three and reset ourselves back into the flow of our intention. Practice, they say, makes perfect. So, give it a try. Just stop, breathe, reset. Eventually it will be an great old habit.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 23:53:48 +0000

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