So this quarters been rough, to put it lightly. And that in itself - TopicsExpress


So this quarters been rough, to put it lightly. And that in itself in a gross understatement. It first started off okay, met a lot of new and exciting people and then... I got mono, so I had to quit my basketball and volleyball teams as a result so there goes one of my stress reducers (not allowed to work out with mono); my best friend got in a car accident; her mom got cancer (and is thankfully doing better now); my other best friends are also dealing with their own struggles and I feel bad that Im not there to help them, guilt is heavy because of that; classes turned rough real quick when youre sick and have a lot of projects etc to do like speeches and so on (cuz Cal Poly, Learn by Doing yall); grandfather who I was close with died suddenly out of nowhere, was unable to go to his memorial because of aforesaid hard classes (praying to be able to go to funeral at least); far from home and miss my family and friends dearly; got waitlisted for most of my classes I wanted for next quarter; havent found that new best friend yet to share all this with, dont even know who Im going to live with next year, no clue; and to top it all off my boyfriend dumped me (even though he said its not my fault at all, the whole, its not you, its me spiel over text btw) today-the day right before my first final tomorrow! So yeah, if you ask me how Im doing and what Im up to, Im hoping, praying that next quarter is going to be better, way better than this. Because right now, this isnt how I imagined college going at all, especially not after all the hours and hard work I put in to even get here in the first place. Not that I had a mini rant over Id say about half of the mess thats been going on in my life, how are you guys? Tell me and I promise Ill listen
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 06:00:28 +0000

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