So, we King James Onlyists are heretics and cultists??? I hear - TopicsExpress


So, we King James Onlyists are heretics and cultists??? I hear that quite often from those who think themselves of such intellect that they have found a better bible. Let us see what has been said of the King James Bible by many great leaders of the past. 1890: The Supreme Court said. ....the practice of reading the King James version of the Bible. commonly and only received as inspired and true by the protestant religious sect.... (Decision of the Supreme Court of the state of Washington relating to the reading of the Bible in public schools, 1890) 1922: Yale professor William Lyon Phelps believed: ...our English translation is even better than the original Hebrew and Greek. There is only one way to explain this; I have no theory to account for the so-called inspiration of the Bible, but I am confident that the Authorized Version was inspired. (The Biblical Review, Volume 7. Biblical Seminary in New York, 1922) 1923: The skeptics mockingly admitted that According to the Fundamentalists the Bible is inerrant. verbally inspired, the final authority in all matters... the atonement involves an actual cleansing of the sinner by the real blood of Jesus; Jesus is soon coming to set up his kingdom on the earth; the end of the world is near... Every letter, syllable, Word, phrase, clause, sentence, chapter and book is perfect as these now stand in the King James Bible. (The Universalist Leader, Volume 26, 1923) 1945: President Harry S. Truman said, The King James version of the Bible is the best there is or ever has been or will be, and you get a bunch of college professors, spending years working on it, and all they do is take the poetry out of it. (President Harry S. Truman, quoted in, Merie Miller, Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman, 1985) 1946: When a Bible teacher refers to the original languages of the Bible, there is a danger of giving a wrong impression about the authority and true value of the standard King James Version. Too many are ready to say that they have a better rendering (saying :that word means), and often in such a way as to give an impression that the King James Version is faulty, or that other versions are much better. we believe that God overruled His gift of the King James Version of 1611, so that we have in it the very Word of God. (Le Baron Wilmont Kinney, Acres of Rubies, Loizeaux, 1946) 1956: In practice most Englishmen believed in the inspiration of the authorized Version (hence the alarm over textual criticism and revision)... (L. E. Elliot-Binns, English Thought, 1860-1900, 1956). 1959: As for me, I will take the King James translation as the very Word of God for the English people. I believe it is without error. It is !00 percent correct...people who do not know a word of Greek can become real Bible scholars. Many times their understanding is far greater than the Greek scholars. (B.F. Dearmore, The Message, Greek versus English, May 28, 1959) 1963: ....a group that is no longer interested in the Greek or Hebrew...but who profoundly believe that the King James Version is an inspired translation... (Margaretta K. Bowers, Conflicts of the Clergy, 1963) 1975: The Cambridge History of the Bible admits, its victory was so complete that its text acquired a sanctity properly ascribable only to the immediate voice of God; to multitudes of English-speaking Christians it has seemed little less than blasphemy to tamper with the words of the King James Version. (Stanley Lawrence Greenslade, The Cambridge History of the Bible, Volume 1, 1975) 1620: Contrary to popular misinformation, the KJB was brought over on the Mayflower by John Alden. 1636: In America, John Wheelrights Fast Day Sermon quoted form the KJB, not the Geneva. In the 1600s, early American Baptist, John Clark quoted from the KJB IN HIS III-Newes from New England. In the 1600s John Bunyan constantly quotes from the KJB, not the Geneva- to the consternation of todays five point Calvinists. Bunyans belief that the KJB is inspired covers several pages. 1700s: Michael Faraday (1791-1867) was an English chemist and physicist. HE established the basis for the electromagnetic induction (the principle behind the electric transformer and generator). It was aid that he believed in the absolute inspiration of the English Bible as a whole (Silvanus Phillips Thompson, Michael Faraday, His Life and Work, 1898) (the KJV) is now held forth by the American Bible Society as a standard for the whole pagan world, so sacred as to justify the extinction of existing translations in languages spoken by more than half the heathen on the globe... In other words, King James Version is to become the standard of translation. Here then, is virtually, a decree that the English translation is the Bible.... more to be regarded than even the original Hebrew and Greek text (Quarterly Papers, American and Foreign Bible Society, July, 1839) The general excellence of the English Version being admitted, its perfection is assumed, and therefore all preceding versions must be unworthy of notice; nay, even the original text need not be consulted... (Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, The English Bible, and Our Duty with Regard to it, 1857; 1871) 1876: The book is full of quotes demonstrating that believers and critics alike agree that :... popular readers who regarded every letter of the English version as directly dictated by the Holy Ghost... were in the majority. (Sir Leslie Stephen, History of the English Thought in the Eighteenth Century, Vol 1, 1876) 1878: Those who deny the inspiration of the KJB are joining hands with occult spiritualists who boasted that, Departures from ancestral faiths are rapidly increasing.... Such dogmas as the six days of creation of the world; the fall of man through Adam and Eve;... the plenary inspiration of the King James Bible... hell...and kindred theological dogmas, are fast dying out of all cultured minds. Freethought, scientific research, and a potent Spiritualism.....have, with united persistence, undermined the theologies of the ages. (J.M. Peebles, New York Freethinkers Association, 1878) 1881: the New York Times printed the sermon of Dewit Talmage who said, Let not the hands of worldly criticism, pedantry, or useless disturbance touch that ark! Remember the fate of Uzzah! We are in the midst of an agitation caused by the revision of the New Testament. We had a translation 270 years old... satisfactory to all Christendom except a few doctors of Divinity...... (Applause)... put it upon my study table, into my family room, or into my pulpit, as a substitute for the King James translation, I never will. (Great applause.) I put my hand upon the old book and take an oath of allegiance to it, so help me God! .... Religion has not so much to fear from infidels as from mistaken friends of the Bible.... The old Bible is for me; it is good enough for you... The Bible in your houses is the Bible that will be quoted for all time to come.... (June 6, 1881) 1882: I unhesitatingtly say, that the same Holy Ghost who gave inspiration to the Apostles to write out the New Testament, presided over and inspired those men in the translation and bringing out the entire Bible in the English language. And I also say, that no version since, brought out in the English language, has the Divine sanction... Now, why would God cause at this age and in these trying times, versions in the same language to be brought out, to conflict....?...He would not... I furthermore say, that King James Translation of the Bible is the only Divinely inspired translation... (William Washington Simkins, The English Version of the New Testament, Compared with King James translation, 1882). 1897: A hundred years ago the Authorized Version which had been in our fathers hands for nearly two hundred years, was no longer a version. It had come to have all the significance of an original book. Outside the pulpit and university no one dreamed that it was translated from another language.... When our fathers, as they did, stoutly maintained the doctrine of verbal inspiration, the inspired words they really had in mind were not Hebrew or Greek but English words; the words of that version which Selden called the best translation in the world and of which the late Master of Balliol once remarked... In a certain sense, the Authorized Version is more inspired than the original... (Minutes of the Annual Meeting, General Association of the Congressional Churches of Massachusetts, 1897)es of Massachusetts, 1897) Now, I have saved several of my favorites for last. This preacher that I am about to quote is perhaps the most quoted of any preacher in moderntimes. He is known as the Prince of Preachers. He is quoted widely by Southern Baptists and I suppose many other denominations. Most certainly in independent Baptist Churches. I specifically mention Southern Baptists however, because you will search far and wide before you ever find a Southern Batist Church that uses the King James Bible exclusively!! Yet they quote this great man of God and then go against what he believed. They have proven they do not believe the Bible and I must assume that they dont really believe Spurgeon either, though they quote him often!!! Hypocrites, prideful intelectuals and the blind who follow them!!!! WOE, WOE, WOE!!!! Judgement is coming and God will NOT let this wickedness pass unjudged!!! The God who honors his word above his name is NOT going to be happy with those guilty of this vile sin of accepting and using the modern perversions. Psalms 138:2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. (KJB) 1882: Spurgeon said, In the margin of our Testaments- I mean those of the authorized version which will never be parted with for the so-called revised version... (C.H. Spurgeon, Acceptable Service, Sermon No. 1639, Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit; sermon delivered on January 15, 1882) Spurgeon said,...they miss no chance of saying... The Greek is so-and-so. It makes a man an inch and a half taller by a foolometer, if he everlastingly lets fall bits of Greek and Hebrew... making every old lady distrust the only Bible she can get at, or what is more likely, mistrust you for falling out with her cherished treasure. (SPURGEON, COMMENTING AND COMMENTARIES, 1876) Spurgeon said, I would quote John Bunyan as an instance of what I mean. Read anything of his, and you will see that it is almost like reading the Bible itself. He had studied our Authorized Version, which will never be bettered, as I judge, till Christ shall come.... (The Last Words of Christ on the Cross, MTP, Vol. 45; sermon delivered on June 25, 1882) Spurgeon said, If this book be not infallible where shall we find infallibility? We have given up the Pope, for he has blundered often and terribly; but we shall not set up instead of him a horde of little popelings fresh from college. Are these correctors of scripture infallible? Is it certain that our Bibles are not right, but that the critics must be so?.... Striplings fresh from reading the last new novel correct the notions of their fathers, who were men of weight and character. Doctrines which produced the godliest generation that ever lived on the face on the earth are scouted as sheer folly... But where shall infallibility be found?... Are we now to believe that infallibility is with learned men? Now, Farmer Smith, when you have read your Bible, and have enjoyed its precious promises, you will have, tomorrow morning, to go down the street to ask the scholarly man at the parsonage whether this portion of the Scripture belongs to the inspired part of the Word, or whether it is of dubious authority... All possibility of certainty is transferred from the spiritual man to a class of persons whose scholarship is pretentious, but who do not even pretend to spirituality. We shall gradually be so bedoubted and becriticized, that only a few of the most profound will know what is Bible, and what is not, and they will dictate to all the rest of us. I have no more faith in their mercy than in their accuracy: they will rob us of all that we hold most dear, and glory in the cruel deed. This same reign of terror we shall not endure, for we still believe that God revealeth himself to babes rather than to the wise and prudent, and we are fully assured that our own old English version of the Scriptures is sufficient for plain men for all purposes of life, salvation,and godliness. We do not despise learning, but we will never say of culture or criticism. These be thy gods, O Israel! (Spurgeon, The Greatest Fight in the World, delivered at the Pastors College Conference, April 1891)
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 20:43:02 +0000

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