So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, - TopicsExpress


So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18, ESV) I come, God, I come I return to the Lord The one whos broken, The one whos torn me apart You struck down to bind me up You say You do it all in love That I might know You in Your suffering My heart and flesh may fail The earth below give way But with my eyes, with my eyes Ill see the Lord Lifted high on that day Behold, the Lamb that was slain And Ill know every tear was worth it all Though tonight Im crying out Let this cup pass from me now Youre still all that I need Youre enough for me Youre enough for me Though You slay me Yet I will praise You Though You take from me I will bless Your name Though You ruin me Still I will worship Sing a song to the one whos all I need Shane and Shane: Though you Slay Me Not only is all your affliction momentary, not only is all your affliction light in comparison to eternity and the glory there, But all of it is TOTALLY meaningful. Every millisecond of your pain, from the fallen nature or fallen man, every millisecond of your misery in the path of obedience is producing a peculiar glory you will get because of that. I don’t care if it was cancer or criticism. I don’t care if it was slander or sickness. It wasn’t meaningless. It’s doing something! It’s not meaningless. Of course you can’t see what it’s doing. Don’t look to what is seen. When your mom dies, when your kid dies, when you’ve got cancer at 40, when a car careens into the sidewalk and takes her out, don’t say, “That’s meaningless!” It’s not. It’s working for you an eternal weight of glory. Therefore, therefore, do not lose heart. But take these truths and day by day focus on them. Preach them to yourself every morning. Get alone with God and preach his word into your mind until your heart sings with confidence that you are new and cared for. - John Piper When you are going through tough times, dont ever doubt God. Dont ever say hes meaningless. Yes he will challenge you. He takes away, he ruins you, he brings you down to your lowest point so that you may finally see how worth it He is. Dont ever try to find fulfillment in other things like money, people, acceptance, possessions, they are all meaningless.We are broken. We are busted. We are in rebellion. We are prone to wander. We are wicked. We are lustful. We are materialistic. We are self-seeking. We are self-centered. We do worship ourselves and creation more than the Creator. Then God meets you where you are. In that lowest place when you are deprived of everything, God meets you there and wants you to join Him in a life that never ends. Be patient and trust in the Lord. “This patience of the saints proves the power of divine grace. There is a lighthouse out at sea: it is a calm night — I cannot tell whether the edifice is firm; the tempest must rage about it, and then I shall know whether it will stand. So with the Spirits work: if it were not on many occasions surrounded with tempestuous waters, we should not know that it was true and strong; if the winds did not blow upon it, we should not know how firm and secure it was. The master-works of God are those men who stand in the midst of difficulties, stedfast, unmoveable, — Calm mid the bewildering cry, Confident of victory. He who would glorify his God must set his account upon meeting with many trials. No man can be illustrious before the Lord unless his conflicts be many. If then, yours be a much-tried path, rejoice in it, because you will the better show forth the all-sufficient grace of God. As for His failing you, never dream of it — hate the thought. The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end.” Excerpt From: Charles H Spurgeon. “Morning and Evening.”
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 14:06:45 +0000

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