So with a minor resurgence in a barny with a old mate turned bigot - TopicsExpress


So with a minor resurgence in a barny with a old mate turned bigot Ive got to thinking about personality conflicts in the movement... mostly amongst ARAs and NHA first peeps, but also various punks/poli-scene etc There be a few people I dislike with reason, IE they are bigotted skum, and yes sometimes I engage in a pleasant tit for tat or just a mucky rumble but I believe that poison so tend to avoid, so Ill just ignore them. Neither am I thinking about the few people who Ive had some personal issue with, whose politics are sound, we just dont get along, with these people a happy medium of keeping names out of mouths has limited conflict and Ive even defending a few from the police and fash various out and about. Mostly Im thinking about the people who I do respect, who Im estranged from, who in some cases see me as the enemy. I can think of at least three out of hand, people who I have massive respect for who Ive had a barny with over one issue or another ... Makes me a bit blue really, not really sure where Im going with this aside from some lamentations... I guess you gotta stick to your narrative, and try and minimise the personal barnies except when they are warranted, dont get sapped by those pushing hate and emotional weight either and ya, try and keep a professional mind to those you may not like personally but who stand on the streets next to you as a comrade. I dont know, ramble ramble .... Just try and be excellent to each other, and if not keep names out of mouths and if you cant do that or if they are Richard Mason laugh and tell everyone how they think nationally mandated ethnic segregation is not so much a bad idea at every given occasion oh oh also that lesbian feminists and paedophiles are kinda the same and in cahoots...
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:06:53 +0000

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