So yesterday evening. Im strolling towards the house after - TopicsExpress


So yesterday evening. Im strolling towards the house after alighting from a matatu that was sooo much speeding I thought we would literally drive to heaven. From a distance I spot a man squatting on the roadside with his head bowed, like the pose one does when using a pit latrine. As I get nearer to where he is, I realize he is actually puking/vomitting. I look around and realize am the only one on this path. The man continues puking loudly, greenish yellowish liquid streaming from his mouth. Large veins protrude at the sides of his head(temples) and neck as he pukes. For a moment I find myself battling two thoughts in my head: to walk past fast or stop and wait till he is done then atleast get to talk to him and see how I can help. I notice his bag lying patiently by his side. Until now he has not realized that someone is standing behind him. Assuming he is alone, I hear him talking to himself. The words reach my ears so loud and clear and what I hear makes me hurry away immediately, not even stopping to look back. I cannot believe what I have just heard coming from the mans mouth. The next person I meet as I am hurrying away is a bodaboda guy riding a motorbike. I stop him and tell him about the sick man I have just seen on the path. Even before am done explaining, he asks me to jump on the bike and soon we are speeding back to where I left the sick man..... oops! Safaricom has just notified me that my data bundle is low... so I will continue just thinking
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 09:14:48 +0000

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