So yesterday was stressful and traumatic for us all. Basically - TopicsExpress


So yesterday was stressful and traumatic for us all. Basically what happened was I went down for an Emergency appointment at the doctors, rushed about, got there, got bloods taken, left then realised I had no keys. At this point I had no food and was getting stressed. It was then sorted and was heading to meet Alison Adam to pick up the spare keys. I got to round the corner, my back pains that Ive been complaining of were excruciating so much so I almost collapsed. I was bent over in pain, I panicked and had a massive anxiety attack (as I was on my own). About 10-15 people saw me distressed and crying but no one came to help. I was almost to the point of collapsing in a heap on the ground when a kind women came to my aid. She got me up, cuddled me, settled me down, took me into a cafe, got water, got my breathe back, then took me in a taxi back to the doctors. She then rushed to get a doctor, there were a queue of folk but her being the feisty woman she is, waltzed past them and got someone to get me seen asap. She sat with me for the whole time, she phoned my Gran and spoke to Alison who was wonderin where I was. I then seen my Doctor again, Gran was outside waiting with Alison for almost an hour. We then decided I wasnt improving and had to go straight to ERU. She phoned them, planned it all, sat waiting, got seen, this all took a good few hours due to being busy. Mum and Dad arrived, we got a bed, tests done, chest x-rays, everything you can imagine. Was told to say the night due to not being well enough, needing monitored and not getting all the tests back til morning. I was then settled there for a good hour, Mum and Dad went for an over night bag when the Doctor rushed with the results and said to go home, rest for a week, take diazepam twice a day, gave me tramadol to take as and when I need it and said its all most likely muscular pains and that hes pretty sure I have some form of Chronic Fatigue (M.E) and a may have some kind of Fibromyalgia. So my Doctor has referred me to Cognitive Therapy, a consultant and from then well see the outcome. While all these tests are happening Ive to continue doing bed rest until we know the results. Its hard to adjust to the possibility of having M.E, it hit me all at once yesterday and think I had a bit of a break down too if Im honest. But I feel better now and much more positive and focused. So my faith in humanity is restored thanks to that Woman being ever so kind. Without her help who knows what would have happened. She even gave me her phone number for my Mum to phone her last night to let her know how I was doing. And the punch line is she was coming back from a Funeral when she seen me, for her neice, and she still done all that kindness. We let her know the updates last night and plan to phone her Friday and sending her a big bunch of flowers as I want to visit her when Im well. I also have to say a massive thank you to Alison, my Mum Liz McDougall, Dad Alasdair McDougall, my amazing Gran, all my friends who texted me checking if I was okay, for my main girl in this world Lois Bennie for being there all day and night and being the best friend a girl could ask for, while also a massive thank you to the Monklands staff and my fantastic doctor. Im very lucky and humbled by such generosity, kindness and goodwill. x
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 12:33:22 +0000

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