Sociopaths have what is known as "antisocial personality - TopicsExpress


Sociopaths have what is known as "antisocial personality disorders," marked by a blatant disregard for and violation of the rights of others. They are people without a conscience, and no real regard for right and wrong. Deceit and manipulation are often present. Inability to love or have meaningful interpersonal relationship is also common. Other symptoms may or not be present, including: Ability to appear normal on the surface Truly see nothing wrong with themselves Nothing is ever their fault Justifies their actions Deep need for the respect, love, and gratitude of others Superficiality, false charm Inflated sense of self and superiority Narcissism, excessive self-love Self-importance not based on achievements Lack of emotional depth, surface only Incapable of normal human attachment Relationships are a tool to get what they want Lack of empathy Contempt for those who seek to understand them Authoritarian and domineering Secretive and paranoid, worst fear is to be found out Lack of remorse, guilt, or shame Need for stimulation Impulsive behaviors, lack of personal control Irresponsible and unreliable Promiscuity, infidelity Parasitic lifestyle, they live off of others Goals for life are inflated and unrealistic Possess a wide range of skills used at the expense of others (criminal and/or entrepreneurial) Seek total control over the lives of chosen victims Attempt to create a willing victim Assign their own behaviors to their victim
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 04:29:04 +0000

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