Some Hidden Facts about this planet Earth’s evolution - TopicsExpress


Some Hidden Facts about this planet Earth’s evolution !!!!! Many of the paragraphs of divine wisdom which are found in almost all the holy books of the world in some form or shape, literally belong to the very ancient times of many millions years ago, when the evolutionary experiment for various evolving kingdoms was established upon this planet earth by the advanced venetian group coming from our own Planetary Earth Scheme to act as the evolutionary teachers and operational controllers commonly known as the ‘lords of flame’ [Rudras] having the perfected ‘mind heat ethereal energy’, which is required for the conscious expansion of evolving human beings to evolve in their race cycle time spans through the incarnated dense forms by having a material experience and to guide their parallel evolving Solar angels, These lords of flame [Rudras] who were headed by their Lord “Sanat Kumara “ also known in the western theology as the “Ancient of Days”, who belongs to a noted group of seven celestial kumara’s, out of which only so far four are commonly known in the physical world as [1] “Sanka”, [2] Sanat, [3] Sanandan and [4] Sanatan kumara came to establish the proper evolution and guide the upcoming human races, whose incarnating bodies were supposed to be dwelt by the Solar Angels of our Solar Universe during their material life existence, during the 4th round of conscious existence which is currently taking place through a total of 7 human races each human race having further sub divisions into sub races and branch races. The Advanced conscious holder Lord ‘Sanat Kumara’, who consciously came to planet earth with his group of chosen 104 hermaphrodite assistants, which divided themselves into 2 groups of 52 members each, to govern the positive and negative aspects of evolving life during the incarnated material form experience, as the whole objective of this planetary earth evolution as per the plan and purpose of the Creator - Observer is to have a balanced and harmonized consciousness state of mind during this 4th evolutionary round which is acquired through polarity integration, so they can later proceed further upon the evolutionary arc in the Infinite Universe with much greater responsibilities with an objective goal of finally liberating themselves from the spherical boundaries of the Infinite Universe to Outfinite Levels in the distant future . The main ethereal energy utilized for materialization in the dense world was the threefold Sound of “AUM” having the 3 differentiated qualities [Gunas] of reflected vital consciousness impulses originating from the desire mind of the Creator – Observer and appearing out of the Cosmic Vital Energy point commonly termed as the “Para Bindu” or “Ein Soph” as vitality conscious outbursts to cyclically circulate in the ethereal bound parameters of the Infinite Universe, and these 52 members of each group utilized this Manifesting sound energy by further dividing it into 52 sound notes now known as the Sanskrit Varnas or the seed syllables of the 5th Aryan human race, which are also based upon the ancient Atlantian language of the 4th root race of evolving humanity, which also utilized this hidden knowledge in their esoteric practices, now many other languages of the world use only a certain number of these sound energy notes in their daily communications as per their evolutionary requirements. The 52 differentiated group members known as the lords of the flame [Rudras] looking after the planet earth’s evolution, for the evolutionary purposes made these sound note symbols as their identity, and any one chanting these seed syllable was able to attract their attention and thus consciously get in touch with them. Over the passing of time during the 4th root race of humanity [Atlantian race] many evolved entities and beings of this planet were later allowed to consciously join these both groups, who were deemed fit to carry on the operational duties according to the plan and purpose of the Creator Logos, which is based upon the universal law of “Will to do Good”. But after the willful hijacking of the original plan and purpose of the Creator Logos by the left hand practitioners [Black Magicians], they changed the name of these two 52 differentiated member groups as 52 “Bhairva’s and 52 Bhairvi’s”. I shared these hidden facts with you all, as many of the evolving entities and beings of both visible and invisible planes are unaware of these facts, because the corrupt overlords who hijacked this centrally located beautiful planet Earth in the 7 planetary schemes, and illegally made it a place of pain and misery maliciously changed various facts in the Astral light records, due to their absolute control upon those angelic beings, who are the care takers of such Akashik records holding them in their vital ethereal consciousness. Jai Ho. Vashisht Vaid. Master of Masters.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 00:36:54 +0000

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